
joined 1 year ago

In case you can't tell, I like indie rock.

[–] spicytuna62 108 points 2 days ago (3 children)

You're asking them to think. That's your first mistake.

[–] spicytuna62 4 points 2 days ago

When I fly, I fly from Oklahoma City. Getting through OKC is a dream. Hardly anyone flies out of here. Tix are usually cheaper flying from DFW. In my experience, you have to leave really early, maybe get a motel room, and it costs at least another $70 worth of gas to get there. It's so much extra cost and inconvenience. It's actually been cheaper overall for my wife and I to fly from OKC since we live here.

It's like 30-45 minutes getting from your car to your boarding area. Getting through TSA is always pretty quick and easy. I can't imagine the place is solvent.

[–] spicytuna62 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I have a '97 Honda Prelude Type SH. For the 5th generation, only about 60,000 USDM Preludes were made. The Type SH was more expensive. There was also no automatic option for the Type SH, and since manuals were already dying in the 90s, I'd guess that they didn't even sell more than a few thousand of them.

It's a little rough. One of these days, I'm gonna dump a few thousand bucks into it and make it beautiful. But we're working on our house and some other things first. Someone put a bunch of those bluish LEDs all over the thing. I deconverted it back to soft white halogens.


~Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.~

[–] spicytuna62 14 points 1 week ago

Did you know mathematicians and programmers often confuse Christmas with Halloween? That's because DEC 25 is also OCT 31.

[–] spicytuna62 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)
  • Vehicle - equipment that carries people, animals, and/or cargo;
  • Unmanned - not controlled by a single person or crew;
  • Aerial - idk this bitch is floating.

Conclusion: Earth fits the definition of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle aka a drone. Thanks Obama.

[–] spicytuna62 6 points 1 week ago

As an Okie and a Linux user, I feel this.

He's a sweetheart. (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by spicytuna62 to c/cat
[–] spicytuna62 53 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Can't lose something I never had to start with

[–] spicytuna62 28 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Trump also wearing an Adidas jacket is a nice touch.

[–] spicytuna62 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Here's something I learned from the 2005 feature film "Lord of War" starring Nicholas Cage:

That flag is now Dutch.

submitted 1 week ago by spicytuna62 to c/cat

Well no matter what it is, all he knows is that he loves you, and he's gotta make sure you know.


How rude.

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