
joined 2 years ago
[–] spicytuna62 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I told my wife we're going on an extended vacation in ~~Kenya~~ Tanzania. She sounds stoked.

[–] spicytuna62 6 points 3 days ago

iirc, the Biden admin threatened to step in last time this happened. We all know Trump is gonna do fuck all to alleviate the problem.

[–] spicytuna62 11 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oh, I absolutely made the assumption in my calculation that he wasn't lying. He can't even lie a meaningful amount his administration has supposedly saved.

But you and I both know the dopes who voted for him ate. that. shit. up.

[–] spicytuna62 178 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (18 children)

Edit: I'm listening to AOC talk about that speech, and she is, of course, one million percent right. Not once did he mention Medicaid. They're bringing up this other bullshit to distract us. They distracted me. If you upvoted my comment in its original form, you were probably distracted, too. We should be focused on what they're REALLY doing: Gutting Medicaid.

I listened to his address. He listed off some 19 items where they slashed the so-called "waste, fraud, and abuse." The first thing was like 22 billion and the next eighteen added up to another 2.5 billion. So all in, they saved 24.5 billion.

Trump's requested 2018 budget (pre-pandemic, pre-inflation spike) was 4.094 trillion. Adjusted for inflation, it'd be 5.247 trillion today, which means they've saved basically nothing.

Well, 0.47% to be more precise. Another way of putting it, if the government was spending $100.00 in 2018, now it's spending $99.53. And if most people saw a thing that costs $99.53, they're probably gonna tell you, "That thing's a hundred bucks."

Meanwhile, a dozen of the bottom shelf eggs I bought this morning cost me six dollars. Four weeks ago, these were $1.89. My favorite brand isn't even available anymore. Also, the store limits you to two cartons at a time. They do sell packages up to five dozen, though. Those cost $42. And yes, that is a worse deal. Much worse. But if you need 60 eggs at once, that's probably how you're go about it.

Not to mention the planes falling out of the sky right now. But at least I still have my freedom, I guess?

[–] spicytuna62 2 points 6 days ago

They are, but I also set reminders on my work computer and my personal laptop. My laptop has my music on it so it sends sounds through my headphones. And my work computer pops a reminder box up

I've also got six reminders a day to check my email every 90 minutes. Otherwise, I'll go several days without checking it.

[–] spicytuna62 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thank you! :)

I was already a no show for them two weeks ago. I really didn't want to miss this one lol

[–] spicytuna62 14 points 1 week ago

There's a charm to early 3D. Late 2D is a timeless look, but early 3D is unmistakably mid 90s to early 2000s stuff.

I've been running the original Resident Evil trilogy. The graphics age it, of course, but the games are just awesome. Resources are limited. You have to consider what's worth wasting ammo on. You have to consider if you've done enough to justify a save. The puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but they're satisfying. And I love a good old fashioned jump scare.

[–] spicytuna62 30 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

It's my personal philosophy that advice and suggestions are the same thing. Suggestions are not requirements.

Personally, if another person came to me seeking advice, I'd feel honored that they hold me in a regard high enough to consider how I'd act in a situation and apply it to theirs.

People who get angry when their advice is not used are just weird.

[–] spicytuna62 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I must be a bit younger than you. I remember the CD player lens cleaners. Those actually had brushes that made contact with the lens and did stuff sometimes.

Of course, a gentle hand and lint-free cloth will clean the lens, too. Probably better lol

submitted 1 week ago by spicytuna62 to c/cat
submitted 1 week ago by spicytuna62 to c/dogs
[–] spicytuna62 5 points 1 week ago

You either get busy living or get busy dying.

That quote has stuck with me for a long time.

[–] spicytuna62 5 points 1 week ago

It's funny because 20 years ago, I remember all the Republicans in my rural town in Oklahoma saying that it wouldn't be long before we'd all need to learn Chinese because we're in sooooooo much debt to China that we'd be speaking the language.

They were also royally pissed about Obama bowing to the Saudi prince, but they sure don't seem to mind it when Trump does everything short of sucking Putin off.


It was a pane staking effort.

I'm okay with the broken window, though. I have backups since I stole all my neighbor's windows.

Which was also a panes taking effort.


Such a great series. I will never not love the first three games. I never played 4, but I do own a copy so I might have to sit down with that one soon.

Our dog was all about them crows lol

submitted 2 weeks ago by spicytuna62 to c/cat

I got out of bed at 5:15. Thorin spends most of his nights sleeping on the couch these days. So when I get dressed, I turn on the lights in the living room, and as soon as I do, he starts squeaking at me. He's such a sweet dude.

I took this in 2016, and I think it's still my favorite picture of him.

He's so chill. Nothing bothering him. That's who he's always been.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by spicytuna62 to c/mildlyinfuriating

Edit: their windshield was completely iced over.


From the Acer laptop I bought for grad school in 2016. I want to upgrade the SSD from 256 GB to 2 TB, but suddenly, we've got bigger fish to fry.

Probably not the spiciest pillow seen here, but it's probably only the second time it's happened to me.

Well, hello there. (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by spicytuna62 to c/cat

She'll be here in ten minutes. I'm boned, aren't I?

Edit: I've got the ears back on, but now his nose is gone! Fuck! What do I do??

My poor son!! :(

Final edit: She's got the papers, guys, and I don't think I'm getting custody.

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