submitted 1 month ago by return2ozma to c/politicalmemes
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[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago

It's not a religious conflict, though. It's about the land and about people wanting to enrich themselves on the backs of a native population. And also about the right-wing zealots who want to use the resentment against Israel for their own powerhungry benefits.

Religion or nationality as justifications for conflict (armed and leogal) are almost always just pretend and smokescreens to make it harder to spot who is benefitting from the conflict. It's always about power and money, never about the actual religion.

[-] dohpaz42 5 points 1 month ago

But isn’t the underlying reason for the land based on religious beliefs of “God-given” ownership?

Hmm. While reading up on who is who, I see that I might have had my sides mixed up again.

Ok, so here is what I’m getting so far today:

  1. Palestine is a territory that’s been around for thousands of years, but has suffered many conflicts with many countries.
  2. Israel has been around since 1948.
  3. Israel has been forcing Palestinians out of their land over the years.
  4. Palestine is internationally recognized, while Israel is not.
  5. Palestine is a country of Arabs, while Israel is a territory of Jews.
  6. Zionism is basically an Israeli belief and the idea that if you don’t agree with it then you hate Jews — I think this is where my confusion showed its head in my original comment.
  7. Israel is considered one of the largest economies in the Middle East — probably why everyone sides with them?

Aside of the recent atrocities of Israel, am I missing anything else? I do appreciate y’all’s patience in explaining this to me.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

It's a bit inaccurate. The conflict has been going on since at least the end of WWI, when zionists started moving into Palestine and the British tried to play both sides, fucking everything up for everyone before heading out.

Both sides feel that the other side is the unreasonable one. But after Hamas did their brutal, inhuman massacre on October 7th, the retaliation by Israel's rulers have been blown sooo much outeof proportion. Partly, because Netanyahu and his goons will get prison sentences once the dust settles. So they escalate.

This video is the most unbiased and comprehensive explanation I've found until now

[-] Deway 2 points 1 month ago
  1. And creatintg ghetto's for the ones still around
  2. Other way around. Israel is a nation recognized by the UN, all of the western world, and a lot of the rest of the world. Palestine is an ensemble of occupied territories for the international community.
  3. There are Arabs in Israel, which is the excuse used to deny that Israel is in a state of apartheid.
  4. No, Zionism is the belief that Palestine(Judaea) belongs to the Jewish people and should be aJewish state.
  5. The US sides with them (and so do many US' "allies") for racist, religious, and military reasons. Without that support, Israel wouldn't exist, and neither would its economy obviously.
this post was submitted on 16 Apr 2024
379 points (89.7% liked)

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