this post was submitted on 01 Dec 2023
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Finished Super Mario RPG!
Most of my comments are on last week's post, I finished it later that same day. Great game but shows its age even with the remake.
Finished Panzer Dragoon: Remake!
Decided to beat some short games I got for cheap a while back. This is a nice old-school rail shooter with a fantastic OST, but it's very short (~2 hours to finish), so definitely don't pick it up for the normal $25 price. For the $2.5 I paid for it was good fun.
Finished Circuits!
Got this one on a friend's recommendation. Very interesting music-based puzzle game, but if you don't have a good sound setup on your living room definitely play this one with headphones - some of the pieces you have to put together have very subtle differences and can be hard to distinguish.
What are you starting next?
I was playing Broforce's campaign mode this morning, kinda want to finish it this time but it's getting very frustrating very quickly.
Not fun?
Fun game in multiplayer, but too many bullshit deaths to be really enjoyable singleplayer.