this post was submitted on 02 Oct 2023
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I weirdly don't find this creepy, and I don't know why. Perhaps it's because the terrain is difficult and it's very perfect timing, but not creepy?
Before I read it, I thought it was going to be some deserted island and a living person, who wasn't them, made it for them. Kinda like a "get off my island" type deal, but creepy because they didn't know a living person was nearby, which could've been bad.
But instead it's just lost people get lost close to a place where someone got lost previously, and it just so happens a helicopter flew by and saw the sign from the previous person.
Just make SOS signs whenever you're going on a hike in case someone gets lost there. It's just being nice to your fellow hikers.
Or better yet just start random smoke signals any time you're out so we dont waste rescue times on sos signals that stay after you dont need rescuing anymore
Plus it will be a good way to stay warm
That but they don't know how he made the SOS sign. Its huge, those are trees not branches. The ID they found is from one guy, did he make the sign? Add in the video, a man calling for help but he says "The place is where I first met the helicopter." What helicopter? Why was there a helicopter? Oh and the parents of the man whose ID was found say that isn't his voice on the video. But it was his video tape.
The parents just said that they couldn't confirm that it was him, not that it wasn't him. Also, audio not video
But it wasn't just one person that was previously lost there. Possibly three other times ...
The female remains.
the ID and recodeings of a man from '84
whoever made the SOS
Was the SOS recent? And not possibly made by either of the two others?
That's why I said possibly three. The SOS could potentially have been from one of the other two, but they aren't sure.
Bro, that would be a dope short story or TV show episode!