
joined 1 year ago
[–] okamiueru 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (6 children)

American "I got mine" mentality at its finest. Too much lead poisoning (my leading hypothesis. You don't elect someone like Trump unless there is something seriously wrong) to realise it's a race to the bottom. When enough people do something at the expense of others, what a surprise when others also do it at the expense of you, and it all turns to shit.

It's this absurd country of "Christian" values, except not the part of caring for others, "fuck that socialism hippie shit, except for Russia, which is cool now because they meddle in our elections... Or, they meddle in favour of my team! We need to do something about the socio-economic situation! What, unions? No fuck that Marxist shit you commie!"

Etc. It's all just too dumb. Hence, lead poisoning hypothesis.

[–] okamiueru 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It'd be some tasty schadenfreude to put parking fine after parking fine. Or even just straight up impound it. It would surprise me if there isn't some German law or regulation that forbids such cars, same with the Cybertruck.

Want your stupid preference that is a detriment to everyone around you? Sorry, we don't do that here.

[–] okamiueru 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Don't confuse "I'm used to X" with "X is simpler"

Windows: Search the Web for some software. Visit webpage. Download executable. Run it. Go through a install wizard. (One month later) Update? Some do it themselves, some just let you know there is a newer version, and a lot of bigger players have a program dedicated to just updating some other program.

Compared to (for example): paru -S <something>

That's it. Updating aaaalll the software in your whole system, including the OS, and you don't have to restart, or even close any of the programs you are updating? paru

[–] okamiueru 2 points 2 days ago

Use arch with AUR, and cross your fingers that at least someone checks the changes. I sure don't.

[–] okamiueru -1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Can I answer for someone outside the US?

The only reason why I might be OK with Trump winning is that, perhaps, if you experience "fascism light" at the hand of an absolute dimwitted toddler, the damage might be reversible.

Just think about that... Any country wishing to destabilise the US, and destroy trust with allies, etc. Trump is peeeeerfect.

[–] okamiueru 4 points 6 days ago

Not so much inside your home.

[–] okamiueru 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Anyone get stuck and confused by "insisted"?

[–] okamiueru 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

What do you mean? If there are no guns... what... what would the shootings be done with? Fingerguns don't count.

As for an example that comes close to what you're asking for:

There is no silver bullet here tho. There are some pretty obvious directions that would improve things, and some that would make it worse. Adding more guns, is an amazingly stupid approach, and characteristically American. If adding guns makes things worse, could reducing guns help? Surprisedpikachu.

Gotta defend yourself against people with guns, with guns, so make it more accessible. Give gammy a gun, you never know! How about littly Timmy, he's old enough to walk home... ah, that's right, there is no infrastructure for walking. That'd be too dangerous.... Meh. Enough Internet for today.

[–] okamiueru 1 points 1 week ago

I've used both PS4 and Ps5 controllers. You don't need to do anything except to plug it in.

I've only had issues in one game (Minishoot Adventures), where the solution was to disable controller support layer that steam comes with.

I haven't tried Bluetooth, as I don't mind the cable.

[–] okamiueru 26 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Fewer guns. Better mental health treatment. Fewer guns. More safety nets. Less extreme poverty. Fewer guns.


I'm trying to find good gaming experiences for wife, who has some typical non-gamer traits, but also some otherwise hardcore traits. I find it hard to make sense of it, and I'm wondering if this is the right community to get some help and suggestions.

Past gaming experience:

  • Sims 2: ~1000s hours on Sims 2. Loves the design of houses and villages, rather than the psychological experience of the inhabitants.

Which is where I thought that there has to be some experience out of the huge collection of games that can be fun. Luckily, being a fan of Harry Potter, Hogwart's Legacy ended up being a big hit, and great introduction to 3rd person and open world mechanics.

I've tried suggesting games, but none really sticked. Until...

  • Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon..... not, my idea. She was bored, and picked it at random from the list of installed games while I was away for some days. Doesn't seem to mind the difficulty spikes or dying 60 times in a row because of movement mechanics. And, it's not like I'm coaching. This is all her. I would never have thought to even suggest this game.

So, I need some help with finding suggestions, since I'm apparently a bit clueless. These are some constraints:

  • ADHD and very easily bored. RDR2 would be a great recommendation, except that the game is very tedious. It might work if one got hooked, but, I doubt it'll happen. Hogwart's Legacy got past it by the setting and world building. Horizon: Zero Dawn on the other hand is an absolute no-go.

  • First person mechanic might be a challenge. 3rd person works a lot better. Not entirely sure why.

  • Competitionist to a fault. Hogwart's Legacy was 100%-ed beyond what the game was able to properly track. If a game hooks, it hooks deep.

  • Not a fan of gore, horror, and zombie themed games. Or in general enemies who look like they are having a bad time.

  • Probably not a fan of complex game systems if one is forced to understand it. (AC6 just.. let's you fly around and shoot things, even though you really should understand all of it). It's fine to sneak in game systems after getting hooked, but not as a prerequisite. If that makes sense.

  • Strategy games and turn based games are probably not a fun time.

  • Likes pretty worlds, but not a fan of artsy 2d stuff like Gris, or the many platformers of that type. Maybe Ori might be pretty and cute enough to work. It's a weird balance.

  • Playstation 5 is what is most readily available and perhaps more importantly, low effort. Though PC could be an option.

  • Doesn't mind a challenge that would be frustrating to most people, as long as one can get back into the action immediately. She doesn't have "gaming skills", and it's fine to be punished for it, but not with tediousness. For example Hollow Knight would be a game that is 99% getting to a boss and 1% getting killed by the boss. Not very fun. So the game design also matters. Demon Souls would have this same issue. Checkpoints in AC6 is probably a big element in why that game seems to still be fun.

Edit: some more constraints

  • English is not a first language. So it's a somewhat higher threshold to get drawn in by text based storytelling.

Here is what I've thought so far might be good games:

  • Monster Hunter: Probably amazing if one gets past figuring out all the mechanics. I haven't played this myself.

Hm... and I'm a bit out of ideas. Suggestions?

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