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Baba is You: A deceptively simple word logic puzzle game that crucially allows the player to skip the puzzles they get stuck on.
Slay the Spire: A deck-building roguelike that on the surface level needs basic addition and subtraction, but has a ton of room for skill evolution and expression because you build a new deck every time you play. Does require a fair amount of reading, about the same as a pokemon game.
Tunic: A cute exploration zelda-lite game where you learn game mechanics by filling in a pictures-only "manual".
Superliminal: A trippy but visually stunning 3D first person puzzle game all about messing with depth perception.
Superliminal narrative spoilers
Narration gets a little meta towards the end, but nothing inappropriate. There is a part with red paint implied to be blood.VVVVVV: More action-oriented, but a cerebral platformer that has a lot of lateral-thinking puzzles.
Portal: Simply one of the best puzzle games of all time. An eight-year-old might not enjoy solving Test Chamber 17, though - I sure didn't when I was 15 when this game came out.
Scribblenauts (franchise): Cutesy little puzzles where you can spawn in "anything" to help you solve them. Lots of creative solutions to the puzzles here, even if your 8-year-old might figure out that a lot of them can be solved with a jetpack and a magnet.
I linked Steam pages instead of Switch eShop pages because they have more useful reviews and such, but all of these games are available on Switch.