this post was submitted on 15 Jun 2023
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Heh, I have sometimes done the same thing, but when I do that, I end up not finishing any of them. So, now I prefer to start only one big game.
As I mentioned in the post, I just got NSO Expansion pack, so going to try all of these, but one-by-one, not all at once π
Any games that you specially recommend?
BTW sorry about those test replies, I just couldn't reply to your message (or anyone's from, finally figured out, have to select English as the language, or it won't post)
Sure no problem!
Indeed, I was following your advice a few years ago, but started to say things like β1 modern game + 1 retro gameβ is fine, than I added handheld games as category of its own, and thatβs how I failed to follow my mantra this year π . But itβs very rare I do not finish my games, even if it takes me 4 months playing the same games :).
Mario & Luigi surprised me a lot. I was a bit skeptical about a Mario RPG game, and I enjoy it much more than expected :). Oh and TOTK / FFTheathrythm are games difficult to quit, they are so good π.
Yeah, I have gone down that path, and it leads to just confusion. Someone mentioned a dutch word "keuzestress" in another thread, which means "choice anxiety", it describes the problem I face.
I do end pretty much all games though (as long as I am enjoying it), but a game that I could end in week, won't be finished for a few months.
Thanks for the recommendations! Already know about TOTK, but will check the others out.