
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Yes, it’s just a personal opinion. I don’t like Meta at all, but I don’t think the creators will come here on their own. Besides, I am convinced that what should differentiate the platforms (even for games, movies and music, not just social networks) should be the services offered by every provider, not the content.

Also, I think they are many other arguments against federation (Is fediverse capable to moderate content coming from Threads ? Especially if Meta don’t do its part ?).

Personally, I will likely move with the content. I left Twitter and Reddit because of the ads, but I will give Threads a try as soon as it’s available in my country, and even pay if there is no alternative and the price is “fair” (unless some fediverse accept to federate). I already did it with YouTube, it’s just impossible to find an alternative and I can’t stand the ads anymore :/.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I don’t say it will be massively the case of course, but closing the door is the best way to prevent such migration.

If I had the opportunity to move from Twitter to Mastodon without loosing any content, I would have done it way sooner (and in fact, it’s more like I had to abandon this content since it does not exist on Mastodon, the people I followed etc).

It’s exactly why people stay inside an ecosystem like Apple, YouTube, Meta Quest or Playstation, because if you leave you lose everything.

I don’t see why more people would go to the fediverse if you prevent everyone access to some content. Just like in the fediverse, if your instance does not federate with the one you want, you are free to migrate towards another instance. It’s not possible if you can’t transfer from one instance to another.

I don’t say they are saints or that we should federate absolutely with them, but I don’t believe that closing the door because we want the fediverse to grow is not a convincing argument.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (4 children)

That’s what I said. People stay on YouTube because the content is locked there. If you could watch YouTube videos from Peertube without ads, I believe people would migrate and YouTube would be forced to be less aggressive with ads. I agree that’s partly because content creators do not post their content elsewhere, but that’s exactly why fediverse is nice : the content is everywhere, you can’t lock it into a single instance.

The reason for switching from Threads to fediverse is the same reason why you already left mainstream social networks. But people not aware of its existence, or locked there because the content and the people they interact with are only accessible from there, they can’t leave. That’s why many people keep a Facebook account, or why people tried Mastodon and came back to X a few weeks later.

In my opinion, if a platform can only be different from the other because of the services it proposes (instead of relying on its own content), people will be able to move easily from one platform to the other (and they will if Threads starts to abuse its position). You are afraid people will never leave Threads, but the truth is that as soon as they will have to suffer ads, they will try to find adblockers or alternatives to eliminate them. The fediverse can be this alternative.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago (6 children)

I don’t think it matters that much. The users are very different. Most Threads users will be Threads users, regardless of what the fediverse does.

In the contrary, if a Threads user can interact with the fediverse, he/she could change his/her mind at some point because now he/she will be aware of the fediverse (eg Meta starts to put a lot of ads, many users will migrate towards the fediverse instead of paying Meta a fee).

As a consequence, I think Threads will stay « friendly » with its users in fear everyone migrates somewhere else. Otherwise, no one will leave Threads unless there are major issues (like Twitter or Reddit). Not federating because we fear the fediverse will not grow as much as a consequence is, in my opinion, the exact opposite of what will happen.

Just look at YouTube alternatives. People won’t leave the platform for peertube because they would lost all the content. Now, imagine that YouTube was part of it, do you really believe people would stay and endure as much ads ? I believe they would leave and YouTube would be forced to refrain itself in order to keep its users, and peertube would become much more popular.

TL;DR I don’t say we should federate at any cost tough. But I don’t believe the fediverse will grow because it rejects Threads (in fact, I think it will be the opposite). The question is more something like « Do we want the mass to be part of the fediverse ? » (with all the consequences like brands starting to put ads / communicate here, and a bunch of racists & cie that could possibly be impossible to moderate).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Seems promising, thanks for the info :).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I share your concerns. I was optimistic at first because kbin looked very promising and the app was evolving pretty fast. Just reaching the point of a functional mobile app would have been enough for me, since we can federate with other communities for more content (before they decided to create their own instance, it was good enough for me).

I am pretty sure the project is on a good track, but in the same time, I think it will probably take 1 or 2 years before we have a good mobile app.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Well, I am 30+ years old and have no problem to buy games full price. I would have played those games even if they weren’t on the Gamepass. That’s why I said it’s more a question of taste in gaming that explains why you consider such games just « decent ». I think if you try to list your « 9 or 10 out of 10 games », I will have no or little interest in most of them (and that’s fine, no one is wrong here ^^).

My message was more to take advantage of the Gamepass for the games that are worth it, for the time it is worth it. Even if 99% of the games were trash, it would still be worth it to subscribe and play those 1% (and unsubscribe when you are done).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Well, Analogue does not communicate that much. They promised a lot of features but did not deliver all of them yet (even 2 years after the Pocket release). It’s also difficult to buy their products, which attract the greed of the scalpers. And they generally rely on pre-orders, meaning you pay everything upfront 1 year in advance (tough this seems to change a bit, they have in stock the Pocket they sell now).

Amazing hardware but poor communication, software (very slow to get any update), and frustrating to buy from.

While I can understand the general « mood » about Analogue, I really love my Pocket, and I almost had all the features I wanted day one, so I do not complain.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Same here. I love this little Pocket of mine (and even started a small collection). Probably one of the best purchase I made. I play it everyday, (re-)discover some of the best Gameboy games in the best possible conditions. Too bad Analogue communication is so bad and that they are unable to provide enough Pockets for everyone, leading to the classic scalping stuff :/.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

Thank you for your work. I was really afraid this would happen when I heard the project was not open-source. The app was really great (especially for a single person in such a short time + no API at the time). It’s a bit annoying to use kbin without an app, but I believe we are not too far from a functional app since the API will be released soon 🤞.

No blame for Harriette of course, she has her reasons and owe nothing to us. Hope she is (or will be) fine.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Depends on your taste I guess. I don’t play those games because they are there, but because they are « on my list ». I don’t think games like Ori, Hades, Hi-Fi rush, Call of the sea, Persona 5, etc are trash. And when nothing interests me anymore, I just unsubscribe and come back a few months later when there are at least a few interesting games. I agree that I wouldn’t only play on gamepass :).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (4 children)

Unpopular opinion here:

I much prefer to play on Gamepass at the moment. From my personal experience, I will simply never have the time to play again to 90% of my games. It’s just impossible (even if I stopped playing new games today, I am not sure I will be able to do so before I die). Since it’s way cheaper to play this way, I don’t see the point of buying new games anymore (I still buy a few games per year, and just cancel my membership while playing them such as Nintendo games or games I really want to play day one like Cyberpunk).

Besides, over the years, I built up an emulation setup with all the games I played (and old games I would likely play at some point, since I dedicate 50% of my play time to retrogaming). It’s not like it is necessary to own them to play them if you want a nostalgia trip a few decades after their initial release.

Besides, the vast majority of those games will still be available in the future (physical copies, online stores, remaster/remakes, piracy, emulation). I believe it is unnecessary to own every single game in the fear of the being able to (potentially) play it once again in 10 years.

I agree that the gamepass model will likely collapse at some point if it becomes too popular, but it’s not a problem to take advantage to it while it’s profitable and drop it when it’s not anymore (just unsubscribe when you don’t use it, which is what I do 4-6 months per year to play other games).


Je me suis lancé il y a un moment sur F-Zero Maximum Velocity sur GBA, et je pense en avoir fait le tour.
Vraiment génial, j'ai passé un excellent moment sur ce jeu, dont j'ai trouvé la difficulté particulièrement bien dosée et progressive.
On galère au début, on fini par maitriser +/- le circuit au bout de 2-3 essais, et on recommence à chaque nouveau mode de difficulté débloqué.

J'ai particulièrement adoré le côté "shonen" qui se dégage des courses.
On se fait très vite dépassé au 1er tour car on a pas de boost, et ensuite on remonte progressivement tous nos adversaires tour après tour grâce à ces fameux boosts (on en gagne 1 par tour terminé).

Je me suis arrêté au mode "master" (bien qu'ayant débloqué la coupe "cachée" Queen), mais tout était vraiment très réussi (l'OST <3).
Je le préfère peut-être même à l'opus Snes, c'est dire :p.



Commencé en Janvier, je suis arrivé au bout de mon aventure sur Persona 5 Royal :D.

Le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est que le jeu était généreux (probablement un peu trop à mon goût ^^).
J'ai tout de même passé un très bon moment, malgré les longueurs ici et là (130h pour en voir le bout quand même !).

Je retiendrais surtout le polish des interfaces, le style qui s'en dégage (notamment à travers la bande son <3), et son scénario résolument mature (poignant à de nombreuses reprises).

Même si je suis content de l'avoir terminé, ça va me faire tout drôle de le mettre de côté alors qu'il m'a pratiquement accompagné toute l'année :).



Ça n’a pas été sans mal, mais je suis venu à bout de R-Type DX sur GameBoy Color 😁 (je dédie cet exploit aux save states, sans lesquelles ce miracle n’aurait jamais eu lieu 😅).

Blague à part, c’est un excellent portage, que ça soit visuellement, au niveau de la musique et des bruitages ainsi que du gameplay.

Seule ombre au tableau (hormis son atroce difficulté ^^), bien que le framerate soit stable, le jeu divise subitement son framerate par 2 dans la seconde moitié du jeu, et le boss du stage 10 est limité impossible à passer car certains projectiles … deviennent invisibles 😂 (sans doute trop de sprites pour la petit GBC).



Je ne lis que quelques livres par ans, mais je suis bien content de m'être lancé dans les livres d'Asimov :).
J'ai terminé de lire le 4ème tome, et c'est à la fois très prenant et très enrichissant sur les dérives potentielle de notre société.
Beaucoup de plot twists à la fin (comme d'habitude j'ai envie de dire ^^), ça m'a encore une fois beaucoup plu :D.
Je ne sais pas encore si je vais enchainer tout de suite sur le prochain, en tout cas, il est déjà acheté et prêt à être lu sur ma liseuse ^^.
#lecture #sciencefiction


J'ai terminé Pocket Bomberman sur GBC, et c'était franchement sympa ! Bomberman dans un plateformer, c'est plutôt surprenant :p. Pas convaincu par le concept au départ, j'ai rapidement changé d'avis après quelques niveaux.

Pour les curieux, je vous recommande la video de RumblePad : ici



J’ai terminé Super Mario World 😁. C’était trop bien, je ne pensais pas être surpris à ce point (j’ai même faits tous les niveaux cachés, ça m’arrive pas souvent ^^).



J’ai terminé Magical Quest 2 cet apres-midi avec ma filleule, et c’était vraiment cool 😊. Je l’ai trouvé + fun et + simple que le 3, même si les 3 restent des valeurs sûres 😁.



Mes amiibo Pyra & Mythra sont enfin arrivés :D. Elles sont magnifiques <3.



Clockwork Revolution has been announced by Microsoft at the last Xbox Showcase. What do you think about it?

I got Bioshock vibes from the trailer, and playing with time-travel makes it even more interesting :). Very surprised by this announcement, can’t wait to learn more about it :).

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