Confidently Incorrect
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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Lol these are always funny. Look up people complaining about a "leaf" in their food when the recipe uses Bay Leaf. It's like complaining someone put leaves in your tea.
Leaves obviously don't belong into tea. Everyone knows tea grows when you hang those little paper bags on a tree. And depending on the kind of tree, you get a different type of tea.
Right and chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
This is actually a common misconception. The truth is any cow can produce chocolate milk. The misconception comes from brown cows featured on the majority of chocolate milk cartons.
I will say though, I've had curry where the bay leaf is chopped up which makes it rather obnoxious.
Sure that wasn't a curry leaf? Either way I'd agree they're beat removed before serving.
Aren't bay leaves supposed to be removed after cooking?
Big pot of something and hope you find all the bay leaves. You might pull some out, think you've got them all but they like to hide.
I've always tied them or used a little net bag to keep them together and easy to remove.
Hell yeah, I bought tea infusers specifically for spices
They're supposed to bc they're easy to remove. I'd feel better they remain in there bc it's easy to remove and means they're using better quality ingredients more likely. It's no big deal to take them out
Yes but for whatever reason I've often seen it left in and the person eating simply removes them.
I always leave them in because pulling them out is more trouble than it's worth. I'm lazy as hell, but I'm also cooking for just my wife and I.
Literally worst case nobody's going to crack a tooth or something. They get a spoonful of soup with a big leaf in it and they just put the leaf aside.
I fucking hate bay leaf, if you don't have a plan for getting it all out at the end don't put it in the food because it's gross.
Why do you think it is gross?
The taste.
You aren't supposed to eat it.
...jyummy leafe
If it's not edible it shouldn't be in the plate. Bay leaf, cinnamon sticks. Etc shouldn't end up in the plate. They're used just for flavor.
What a weird hill to die on!
So I assume you eat the bones of chicken wings, legs, thighs, etc? You eat the stems of apples and other such fruit? And you eat the cores or pits?
Or were you one of those children brought up by parents who cut off the crusts of the Wonder Bread sandwiches to make sure you never encountered any iota of challenge or even the most trivial work while eating?
Cores pits and stems are removed from cooking, and honestly I do like to nosh on the marrow from bones
This is just a difference in food cultures. If you can remove something like a core or a pit before you mix it in, great. With what I'm assuming is Indian food, you need to physically leave the cinnamon in there a while so the flavor can leach out. You can't really do a bouquet garnis because this is a sauce that is stirred a lot over direct heat, not like a soup that is just simmered.
In those food cultures, you just know to eat around it. It's no more a choking hazard than a bone in meat, so people will notice it.