this post was submitted on 07 Aug 2023
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Can the switch even handle the graphics? I guess somehow It can.
The undocked Switch is in the same ballpark for raw power as the 360 and PS3, so as long as they've managed to sufficiently unfuck the game's nightmare spaghetti code, should be just fine.
This is Rockstar to be fair
The Switch is faster than a PS3/360, which the original game ran on.
To summarize, unoptimized PS3 < 360 < optimized PS3 < WiiU (slightly slower cpu then previous, faster GPU) < Switch in terms of devices with a roughly similar performamce level.
The Switch has pretty underwhelming specs but this is a PS2 game isn't it?
360/PS3. Switch will struggle for sure. It’ll probably be 30fps @720p with either slightly lower res or unstable framerate.
I hate playing games on the switch. Tbh I dislike the switch. Whenever games only come out for the switch it bums me out. Could be playing the game on PC with modern tech but nah. Locked to an underwhelming tablet with controllers
My brother in christ, do us all a favor and look into switch emulation already so we don't ever have to see such an asinine comment again. If your computer is good enough you can run switch games at a wayyyyy better performance than the switch itself can.
Just emulate it if you want to play switch games "on PC with modern tech." For legal reasons I'd advocate getting a modded switch and ripping your own games if you go that route but I was playing Tears of the Kingdom in 1440p ultra wide 60fps day 1.
Just buy a Steam Deck?