this post was submitted on 18 Jul 2023
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I have a script for methylphenidate, my prescription is tracked and restricted by my governments health authority, I am only able to have 30 days worth every 30 days. If I try to get it ahead of time by a few weeks, they won't give it to me. My doctor can only give me three months worth of refills per prescription, so I have to get a new script every 3 months.

It's still listed as a narcotic.

Your version of recreation isn't the same as others, while your recreation may be more extreme, it doesn't make someone's "more tame" recreation and recreational use of narcotics in any form, any less recreational.

I take methylphenidate for the pharmacological benefit, not for recreation, but I could easily offload my meds for other people's recreation for a profit. I wouldn't, but I could. Point is, his recreational use isn't made invalid because it's not recreational enough in your opinion. If you're talking drugs that you don't need for Medical reasons, it's recreational.

[–] havokdj 0 points 2 years ago

prescription is tracked That's generally how prescriptions work. Keep in mind that just because it is a "narcotic" (I'll explained why it isn't a narcotic in a moment) doesn't mean it is a recreational drug.

Firstly, adderall is racemic which reduces the fun affects you would actually get from amphetamine. What we call "speed" is R-amphetamine, or amphetamine with R-enatinomers.

Secondly, narcotics have different definitions on who you ask, one is wildly more accurate than the other. Medically speaking, narcotics refer to opioids and opiates, basically anything psychoactive with numbing or paralyzing attributes. Cocaine doesn't do this (unless you get a lidocaine cut), yet it is classified as a narcotic (scheduled before they really started doing dirty shit like cutting with things like that). The government however does not classify amphetamines as a narcotic (which they would be correct).

I must warn you before we go on with this conversation that I have quite a fair bit of experience with CNS stimulants medically and otherwise, it is a subject that I have a large amount of knowledge in.