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The total size of Wikipedia is 26 TB. It's trivial to move. The global CDN services do the heavy lifting of caching the content. The real problem is the Trump suing and censoring Wikipedia such that US citizens wouldn't have access.
Its seriously only 26 tb? That's like, 2 large hard drives. The network equipment to run that big a site costs more than storage lol
Yeah, and they aren't lacking for cash. I think last time I looked it up, they had enough funding to run the site for well over the next nine decades, despite the lavish paychecks they give their executives.
They still ask you for pocket change every year, though.
After finding out that they redonated the money I donated to them to other not for profits, I decided not to ever donate to them again until they agreed to not do that.
I'm sure they were very good not for profit organizations that needed the money, but I'm kind of annoyed By them doing this.
Is it a problem if you're moving out of the USA? Let them clean their mess, no need to impact the rest of the world. That's a basic safety rule in that case.