this post was submitted on 30 Jan 2025
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founded 2 weeks ago

this is a call to action, not a complaint! the instinct behind the xi memes is noble but does little to expose the recent and significant harm that our overseas siblings endure. let’s channel our creativity in ways that positively break the mold, bringing awareness and empathy into the conversation.

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[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Chinese decide their own fate and destiny. Some will be winners some will be losers.

Tell me, should we take this same mentality to Ukraine and Palestine? Should those Eastern Europeans just be left to fight it out amongst themselves? Not our problem if the bigger more powerful one invades another? Not our issue what happens in the Middle East, if one country keeps another under its thumb for decades and then starts a wholesale genocide?

By all means, avoid hawkishness. Nobody wants to do anything to provoke China. But if China does decide to invade Taiwan, that will be one sovereign state aggressively invading another. And I don't think it's a bad thing to say "hey, maybe it's a good idea to try to stop that".

[–] j4k3 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Picking a side in isolation without context is not smart. Looking at the situation in totality is required.

Ukraine gave up nuclear arms with the understanding that this invasion would never happen. I think it is up to the entire world to take a stand in that instance.

Israel is a rogue crusader state that shouldn't have existed as evidenced by genocide. The entire middle east is a mess due to the boarders and racism of western powers after WW1. Getting involved there is wrong on top of the original wrongs that caused it. Two wrongs never make a right.

Why not accept that the PRC won the civil war and that the ROC lost without any further conflict. I mean I would love to spend time living in Shenzhen. I spent time on some Chinese electronics forums before they got locked down to user names with mainland phone numbers. There was all the usual talk and even a lot of politics along with a bunch of pinned threads about what was not acceptable to say or talk about. People were actually more real and a more vibrant community than in the west in many ways. I would honestly rather be a part of what I saw in those instances. I could go on more, but I see the only real losers as venture capital in this situation and their money is not worth a single death.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Why not accept that the PRC won the civil war and that the ROC lost without any further conflict

Because, at its most fundamental, I think looking at the world in terms of the bigger fish is a disgusting worldview. We should just let the strong rule? In that case, let's go USA! Go pull out those nukes and use 'em on anyone who dares challenge your supremacy!

No, I would much rather live in a world where people can decide for themselves what they want, and where everyone else will help them achieve that if a bigger fish comes along to try and stop them.

[–] j4k3 -1 points 1 week ago

That is a selective narrative context that is not grounded in the full scope of reality and recent history. You've decided to make up a label of what is or is not a big and small fish. The ROC was once a very big fish and it lost badly. You are parroting propaganda perspective when you fail to look at the big picture of events and look at them in total. This view of Taiwan in isolation without the history and broader context is propaganda nonsense out of western countries.

The actual geopolitics of Taiwan is very much about US manipulation and denial of maritime access to China. It always has been. This is absolutely about bullying anyone that can challenge American supremacy. The whole logic behind TSMC was to make Taiwan valuable to venture capital in the USA so that the supremacy angle was not the only factor that kept the US attached to Taiwan. It was a brilliant move, but it is ending now. The end of the silicon age is now. We are reaching the Landauer Limit in around 5 years time when memory eraser is too power intensive to scale further. This changes the formula of value. In addition, China's population peak against the cost to invade Taiwan is set to be optimal in 2030 after which invasion becomes much less feasible. This is what most independent analysts that I follow say. I don't want to see any of this happen and I'm not taking sides. A realist perspective and open minded observation leads me here. I'm pretty skeptical of most sources and especially ones that focus on recent events to the exclusion of context and total history to spin some narrative or convenient propaganda to support the only bully with military bases around the world and surrounding China in this instance.