this post was submitted on 18 Jul 2023
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[–] havokdj 11 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Speed is amphetamine, adderall is amphetamine. Neither is methamphetamine.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ok you're more nuanced comment is the one that gets my upvote.

I used to take 10mg of adderall/ritalin on weekdays and it did fuck me up really bad. In college i learned fellow ADHD students didnt take them during the year (so they where able to be their selves) and snorting them during exams getting better grades then me. Needless to say i have a really negative view of them and i consider it terrible and dangerous drugs. I admit i have often pointed out to other how similar the chemical structure is to illegal drugs like meth and i know there often sold as "poor mans cocaine" or "kiddy-coke"

But what i do not have is experience with actual speed, cocaine or meth, neither do i know people who use Meth. Your comment made me reflect that just because a drugs appears similar doesn't mean its the same or as bad. But at the same time just because meth is worse that does not mean Adderal is good.

[–] havokdj 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

For that last part, most definitely. The point of my argument wasn't so much to say that adderall isn't bad for you, but rather that meth is on an entirely different level from adderall. 10mg isn't really a dangerous dose but it is still enough to affect your mental state, although the kids that abuse them for exams are likely doing far, far more though.

Also, don't feel too bad about the others using that shit to do better on their exams. There is no chance they retained any of that info long term, it is no better than cheating and those habits will kick them in the ass later in life.

[–] OGrumpyKitten -2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

And both speed and meth are used recreationally, your point is?

[–] havokdj 1 points 2 years ago

Because, those drugs are actually, you know, fun to use?

They directly effect your serotonin receptors and release a shit ton of it over a short period of time. MDMA, Speed (pure amphetamine or otherwise), Meth, MDA, pseudoephedrine, cocaine, THOSE are recreational drugs. Adderall is no where near on the same level as those drugs.

Hell, you have to take several doses of it to get to the threshold, the other drugs mentioned act on even very small amounts.