this post was submitted on 18 Jul 2023
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Don’t You Know Who I Am?

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[–] Zozano 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

As someone who takes Vyvanse 70mg (lisdexamfetamine) daily, and have smoked meth a few times, they're quite different. Vyvanse does give you energy, but it doesn't make you feel ecstatic. To me it just feels like a really strong coffee but I don't feel like shit and I can sleep at night.

I've been through Vyvanse withdrawals twice, and it sucks, but its nothing like meth withdrawal (I haven't experienced it myself, but I know people who have). People with a meth addiction are desperate enough to commit crime. Vyvanse withdrawals are so bad, sometimes us neuro-atypicals forget to take our addictive and dangerous drugs.

[–] OGrumpyKitten 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't suppose you where making sure you smoked only 70mg of meth when you did didn't you?

[–] Zozano 2 points 1 year ago

Even if I did, it wouldn't be a valid experiment. Vyvanse can only be metabolised by digestion. You can't snort, smoke, shelf or inject it. Vyvance takes more than an hour to start working and lasts 12+ hours, meth is a few minutes and lasts a few hours.

My point is they are quite different. Vyvanse, by design, is much harder to abuse, and most people don't want to take it recreationally.

[–] havokdj 1 points 1 year ago

I tried to take vyvanse but I just couldn't handle it. I'm a stim junkie but vyvanse made me spotty as hell. I'd be awake one moment and borderline asleep, get mood swings. I just don't take prescriptions anymore.