Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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Oh, yeah. I forgot about Meditate. It used to be even better, before it got nerfed a little recently. It's still really good. It's tons of fun to activate shield and then meditate in the middle of a fight.
It used to give you even more energy for meditate and dragon kick (2 instead of 1) but it was a bit harder to use since you needed to use the monk ability and weapon ability on consecutive turns (either order).
Now you have 5 turns which means you can use a weapon ability at the start of a fight, use some wand charges to kill all the enemies in sight, then meditate and get your energy back!
The other really cool thing is that focus is instant (with monastic vigour) and lasts forever until blocking an attack so if you’re diligent you can basically have focus up all the time so you’ll never get surprise attacked by a ranged enemy when you walk into a room! With combined energy +3 those focuses will only cost 1 energy each which is crazy cheap!