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What’s interesting about this lawsuit, though, is that Paxton is effectively suing a Christian ministry for helping unhoused people—and the ministry plans to respond to the threat by saying they have a religious right to assist others:

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[–] zloubida 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You speak about acts? In my country, France, Jews were saved during WWII thanks to churches who hid them, abortion is legal partly thanks to Christians and christian organizations, churches married homosexuals before it was legal. People are fed, protected, housed every day regardless of who they are or what they believe every day by Christians and christian organizations. When you judge someone or some organization, look at the acts of this individual or this organization, not the acts of other individuals and other organizations who share nothing but a name.

Fuck the rapists, fuck those who hid and protect them. Fuck the institutions who allow violence to continue and stay unpunished. Fuck the bigots and everyone who spread hate, whether Christian or not.

[–] chemical_cutthroat -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

look at the acts of this individual or this organization, not the acts of other individuals and other organizations who share nothing but a name.

Christianity is a choice. No one is born a Christian. You don't get to choose to be part of a hate group and then say, "But not me, I'm not a bad one." What, are you gonna tell me that there are some Nazis out there picking up litter on the side of the road, so I should buy a "Not All Nazis" bumper sticker? Fuck off with that logic. We can very much judge a member of a voluntary cult by their worst members, because their worst members are tolerated. Their doctrine is tolerated. Their hate is tolerated.

When the Christians toss out all of the bad parts of the Bible, then we can talk, but none of them are doing that, are they? Where is the Church of the Good Bits and None of the Hate Speech? Not really making waves, are they? Turns out, it's because no one wants to do that. The whole scripture is their holy book, and their book says "God Hates F*gs." The people that lead their churches rape children. The people that sit in the pews kill minorities. Oh, there are some good ones out there? You know what? Kill them all, let their god sort them out.

I'm happy that you have a long history of nothing but good Christians in France. Surely, no Christian has ever done anything bad in France.

  • The Crusades
  • The Inquisition
  • The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
  • The persecution of the Huguenots
  • The expulsion of the Jews in 1182
  • The expulsion of the Jews in 1306
  • The French colonization of Africa by missionaries
  • And let's not forget the Catholics attempting to maintain control over the country by opposing the separation of church and state.

Take your baguette and nail it to a cross.

[–] zloubida 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You know that there is more than one Christian organization, right? Why should Huguenots (which are Christians) for example be considered responsible for the persecution of the Huguenots? Should Christian homosexuals be considered homophobic, even if their particular church doesn't tolerate bigotry?

[–] chemical_cutthroat 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

You know that there is more than one Christian organization, right?

Only one Bible, and they all follow the same bullshit.

Why should Huguenots (which are Christians) for example be considered responsible for the persecution of the Huguenots?

The Catholics hunted down and killed Protestants. I mean, one less, right? But still, pretty heinous for a group that is all, "love thy neighbor".

Should Christian homosexuals be considered homophobic, even if their particular church doesn’t tolerate bigotry?

Would a black person that sells out their black friends to the white slave owner be racist? I don't know, we just call them Uncle Tom. You want to keep going with this, or will you concede that it is a really stupid question?

Look, you aren't going to win this by sticking up for the Christians. Even the best ones. Because there are no best ones. There are only Christians. The ones that sheltered Jews in WWII are the same that expelled them in the 12th century. The ones that say "thou shalt not murder" are the same ones that led the inquisition and tortured and killed hundreds of thousands. They are all the same, because they voluntarily joined with them.

By all means, keep tolerating the Christians. It's your general disregard for their hideous practices that allows them to continue. None of them are forced to be "Christian". You can worship god and not wave it around like a fucking banner, at least then you would just be an idiot, instead of everything else we've mentioned. They choose to be Christian, because it is what they want. And what they want is to be part of a hate group, because that's what Christianity is.

[–] zloubida 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You continue to treat Christianity as a united group, which it is not. What you do is like putting members of the Democratic and Republican parties in the same group because there's “party” in the name…

Same goes for history: the Democratic party was the party of slave owners, thus being member of the Democratic party in the 21st century makes you a slaver?

[–] chemical_cutthroat 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You continue to treat Christianity as a united group, which it is not. What you do is like putting members of the Democratic and Republican parties in the same group because there’s “party” in the name…

Democratic and Republican parties are in the same group... They are fucking politicians. You know what, I was gonna call you a fucking moron for that one, but it's actually a pretty good analogy. No one is born a Democrat, or a Republican. It is a choice. Same with Anarchism, Communism, and Socialism. You can be whatever you want to be. You can be a Christian, Muslim, Buddist, or any other religion you want. YOU CHOOSE. And there hasn't been a point in history where Christians haven't been fucking shit up. If there was a number board with "Days since we last fucked a child," it would never get passed 0. It's not like there has been a long golden age of Christianity that we can look back on and see how all of the bad things are in the past. In fact, there actually was a golden age for Christianity. It was when Rome fell. We call it The Dark Ages.

If you want to lump the Democrats in with the slave owners, understand that the Democrats have at least altered their message, and no longer condone slavery. Good luck getting a Christian to say that homosexuality isn't a sin.

[–] zloubida 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Was there a point in history when humans didn't fuck things up? Cite me one numerically important group, just one, which didn't give shelter to criminals. Christians aren't better (like a lot of them tend to believe) nor worse (like a lot of edgy atheists tend to believe) than other people. They're normal, and hating all of them just because some groups call themselves that and are criminals is just a stupid, paradoxically “holier-than-thou” attitude.

And your last sentence :

Good luck getting a Christian to say that homosexuality isn't a sin

just confirms me what I thought: you don't know a lot of Christians. Like a lot of haters, you hate them just out of lack of culture and education. I know dozens of churches (which all have hundreds of thousand members) which teach that homosexuality isn't a sin.

To be atheist is a reasonable point of view, to wallow in one's ignorance is not. You're not that different from evangelicals.

[–] chemical_cutthroat 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Cite me one numerically important group, just one, which didn’t give shelter to criminals.

This alone is enough to tell me that you haven't actually read what I've been writing, and instead had a preformed idea of what you thought I was talking about, and just twisted my words to fit your belief.

I am not saying that large groups of humans don't have a tendency to fuck things up. We do. I'm saying that in general, most groups don't write hate into their bylaws. Christianity doesn't condemn the bible, yet the bible is a hateful document. Instead, they hold the bible up as their highest scripture and follow it to the letter, as though it were written by god itself. So, when you ask for a large group that doesn't shelter criminals, you think you are clever and have trapped me in my own logic, but in reality, you should be asking for large groups that don't have the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in their hand outs, or what group hasn't marched across a continent while pillaging holy relics and killing Muslims, or what group hasn't gathered those that don't follow them into a trial where they torture the non-believers until they agree to join them. Church. Sanctioned. Hate.

I know dozens of churches (which all have hundreds of thousand members) which teach that homosexuality isn’t a sin.

No you don't. You know dozens of churches that teach that homosexuality isn't a crime. It's still a sin according to the bible, and so it is a sin according to the church. The pope has said so as recently as last year.. I'll give you the quote, since I know a lot of people don't bother with articles.

In the interview the pope said, "We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime."

Then, he voiced an objection to that statement, followed by how he would respond to that objection, saying, "'Yes, but it is a sin.' Fine, but first let us distinguish between a sin and a crime."

So, there you go. The church isn't going to call the cops on a gay man, but they will tell them that their soul is eternally damned because of the way they were born. I don't know, still seems kinda hateful, when your whole thing is not going to hell.

Maybe you do know a few fringe churches that are ok with homosexuality and will say that the bible is wrong and that homosexuality isn't a sin. I'm not going to look at every church in the world to try to prove you wrong, so I'll agree with the premise. The problem with these churches is that they are still Christian churches. They are still part of the larger hate group. Are they spending all of their tithe money on lobbying the papal seat to overturn their viewpoint on homosexuality? Are they talking to the heads of protestant denominations to overturn the hate speech that gets spewed at their weekly gatherings? Nah, they were like, "I'll start my own church, with blackjack, and hookers, and a Chip and Dales." And suddenly they are the "cool" church that isn't built on a history and rhetoric of hate. Nope. Sorry. Not buying it.

Edit. OH MY GOD. You're a moderator at c/Christianity. Holy shit. You fucking cunt. You are literally making bad faith arguments in every sense of the word. Goddamnit, thats a great pun.

[–] TrickDacy 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

And yet it will still always be bigoted to care nothing about individuals and only care about negatively grouping large numbers of people together

[–] chemical_cutthroat -1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

When a large group of voluntary members all band together to hate minorites, yeah, I'll wear the bigot badge of honor for hating them. You want to compare lists of things we are both bigots about? Nazis, racists, pedophiles, rapists, cops, religious folk...

[–] FlyingSquid 2 points 3 months ago

Which minorities do the very diverse-looking group of people holding some sort of ceremony on the Church's front page hate? Please present your evidence for this group of people's hatred.

Because if you want to talk about hating people, you're hating the small number of Christians who are actually doing something good in the world because of all the bad ones. That's not rational.

[–] TrickDacy 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

You'll never get my sympathy with such aggression even if agree with some of your points. I'm not special in that way. Blind Hatred isn't helping

[–] chemical_cutthroat 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

There is nothing blind in my hatred. I grew up blind. I was raised in the church. I had to learn for myself just how fucked up everything was. My aggression is earned. My entire youth was wasted on that shit because I was indoctrinated from birth. I believed. I was saved, I hated black people. I hated gay people. I was led to believe that anyone who wasn't a Christian was less than. All because the pastor and elders of the church said so. Did you know Cain was a white man because Adam and Eve were white, but when he killed Abel and was given the mark of his sin, that mark gave him dark skin? Don't you see, all of the black people are descendants of Cain, the murderer. It's all right there, in black and white. Because the bible tells us so.

I'm not fucking blind. My hatred has 20/20 vision.

[–] TrickDacy 3 points 3 months ago (1 children) believed something awful, which was a fringe belief, and from that you took away not only how to withhold all empathy for people who literally believe exactly what you did, but also, you just aim that same irrational hatred toward people who don't even share the bad belief which you held..

[–] chemical_cutthroat -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

lmao. Fringe.

No, friend. There is nothing fringe about Christianity. Maybe not all of them believe the exact same lies that I was told, but know that all of them believe some version of it. Maybe it isn't black people, maybe it's homosexuals, maybe it's women, maybe it's literally anything that they aren't. All of them--ALL OF THEM--believe it, though.

I've said it before in this thread, and I'll say it again. Christianity is a group of volunteers. No one is drafted into god's army. No one is forced to be a Christian. When you decide to become a Christian, you assume the mantle of hatred and oppression that has marched unimpeded for thousands of years. There is no "good sect" of Christianity. There are no reformists that are taking the bible and updating it with modern language and tolerances. It's all the same. All of the lies. All of the hatred. When the "progressive" Christians talk about how it's OK to be gay in their denomination, it's because they believe that gay is a choice, and that you can be forgiven of that sin when you simply stop being gay. You know, like you can be forgiven of murder when you stop murdering. To them, it's the same thing. Sure, they'll let gay people get married, they let murderers get married, don't they?

[–] TrickDacy -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I didn't read this because you cannot be bothered to think that the extremely racist views you chose to hold aren't universal

By your logic, humanity is entirely putrid and unsalvageable and I can conclude that based on literally just your past professed beliefs which you suddenly now claim no responsibility for and instead choose blind, yes 100% blind, hatred as a piss poor excuse for making amends for the awful shit that you "volunteered" for

[–] chemical_cutthroat 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Well, since you aren't reading this, I hope you have a good day and all of your dreams come true.

My views are no longer racist. That was the whole point of my rant. I was raised a christofascist in the purest sense. I had to escape that shit. I have every reason to hate it, because it never bothered to apologize for nearly destroying my life.

And here's the thing about being an ex-Christian, and having to deal with the responsibility of my former actions. I'm not making a twitter apology and moving on with my life to leave the victims of my hate to deal with their broken lives on their own. My life is now dedicated to fixing my past mistakes. I battle against the lies I formerly held true because I want to make amends for all of the damage I caused. When I curse the names of priests, rabbis, and gurus, it's not some misguided hate. It's a fucking fascist seeking missile aimed directly at the people that want to destroy the world, all for the sake of the lies they believe and the power they crave. You really want to be the human shield for a pedophile priest?

[–] TrickDacy -2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I knew a bigot was impossible to converse with and that last line is pure pathetic proof of it.

If this hatred and way of speaking is what you think passes for making amends, you're entirely hopeless. The fact is that you're aiming your hate at people who never believed the awful shit YOU believed. And apparently thinking that your hate helps a single fucking person

[–] chemical_cutthroat 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

They believe the bible. The bible is a book of hate.

Sigh. I don't know why I bother with the Christian apologists on a fucking atheism board.


[–] TrickDacy 0 points 3 months ago

Healing the world with hate. What a fucking hero