Star Citizen
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I'm gonna be honest, the more I hear about their plans for flight changes the less I want to play the game. This feels so far removed from what we used to have and what was sold years ago it's not even funny. "We're removing Master Modes but there will still be modes and now you'll have a choice of flying at a crawl speeds or quantum boosting with instant breaks and no skill requirement. Cool. What's that, you like NAV speeds? Upgrade your ship to gold tier!" Thanks, I hate it.
I know I can sound really cranky whenever I comment on the new direction CIG decided on but boy do they not make it easy to be excited about what they talk about.
I want to like the game and I appreciate some of the tedious and less popular changes (physicalized everything, more "immersive sim" elements etc) but what they're doing with flight and the unsure future of medical gameplay... I'm actually starting to regret waiting all those years for... this.