
joined 2 years ago
[–] starcitizenfan 2 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

FWIW - I didn't get any messages about transferring moderation, so that's cool to learn about

Regardless, thank you for your continued contributions and stepping up to guide this SC community on the (fedi)verse!


What is the current state of the Aegis Idris? Join us today for a special Director's Commentary as we explore the progress on this capital ship from interior to exterior and beyond!


How does the role of branding shape the Persistent Universe? Grab your favorite Whamburger and join us for this episode of Inside Star Citizen as we navigate through how branding breathes immersion and narrative into every aspect it touches.

Branding is a behind the scenes team, but you see their work every time you play Star Citizen. Their work goes well beyond ads you see in game. The branding team was a driving force for the creation of the Mirai brand last year and also why the Crusader Spirit paints changed their red highlights to blue!


The latest Star Citizen Free Fly is now available! Players can check out Star Citizen and 5 different ships for free until February 15. Don't forget your referral code when setting up an account!

Star Citizen Free Fly Until July 17 (

There is a Star Citizen Free Fly going on until July 17 as part of Foundation Festival! There are also referral bonuses, starter pack discounts, and a options to earn free in-game gear and ship paints as part of the guide system.


Everything changed for mining in 3.19. No longer is mining quantanium with a lancet mining head the best plan for the Prospector! This video doesn't go into detail about the best minerals to mine, but it does provide recommendations for mining head and attachment options.

[–] starcitizenfan 2 points 2 years ago

It must be a rough day for the server AI! A friend sent a screenshot of all of the Area 18 AI piled in at the base of the gear statue.

[–] starcitizenfan 2 points 2 years ago

Yeah, I tried playing with a group and the desync was terrible! I was having issues with interactions at stations as well.


CIG introduces Seraphim station, the replacement for Port Olisar that will enter the game in 3.20