this post was submitted on 16 Nov 2024
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[–] verdantbanana 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

great article that really sums up what the fuck happened in this election

The US economy is currently experiencing strong growth, low unemployment, and rising wages - the "stuff of economists' dreams." However, this macroeconomic success has not translated into broad prosperity. Beneath the surface, many workers are struggling with rising costs of living, debt, and declining real wages, especially for low-income households. While the top income brackets thrive, the bottom 40% now account for just 20% of all spending, leading to a deeply unequal and unstable economic recovery. This disconnect between headline economic indicators and the lived experiences of many Americans led to discontent that was reflected in the 2024 election, with voters citing the economy and immigration as key factors. The Democratic Party's focus on macroeconomic performance failed to address the deeper social and economic crises faced by working-class voters, including inflation, job insecurity, and rising costs. The left must confront these issues head-on, rather than dismissing them or resorting to nostalgic historical analogies. Rebuilding a broad and solidaristic left politics will require grappling with the contradictions within the right's fragile coalition, as well as the ways that racism, misogyny, nativism, and other forms of oppression intersect with economic precarity. It is not enough to simply call for "bread and butter" policies; the left must work to mobilize people on different ideological terrain, forging a culture of solidarity that can challenge the uneven terrain of contemporary capitalism.

Summarized by Article-Summarizer

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Good summary. Agree completely with the article - it actually makes sense out of the blind spot that Dems had in this election. Plus that pointer on how Mexico bucked the worldwide trend theorectically gives Dems a pointer on how to recalibrate and take back the initiative.