Russia has become a preview for the United States now that the US has taken off the mask of democracy
goddamn right it was but the citizens are not the ones writing their checks so why would Democrats do anything that would benefit anyone other than the check writers
been an issue since farmers started using nitrates and it continues to flow downstream to other states and on out to the Gulf of Mexico
none of our paid off political leaders give any shits
first actual uppity, entitled african american ever to exist
none of which helps when again coupled with poor environmental protections, low education funding, higher police funding, low minimum wage with less worker protections, and no universal healthcare
yes let us blame low paid, not given proper education, no proper healthcare due to bipartisan horseshit citizens for the takeover of the United States
not the polluters, the owners of industry mistreating workers, not the toxic media pumped out by the owning class
did not vote against him but also not allowed legally to vote as are a lot of people
again doing the jailers' job by dividing yourself and your fellow citizens
pollution coupled with poor environmental protections, low education funding, higher police funding, low minimum wage with less worker protections, and no universal healthcare are things that would lead to where we are now
stop doing the fascists' job for them by blaming your fellow comrades thus dividing everybody further and unite against the tyranny
Because 'anyone smart enough' has a bank account that would allow this and is able to jump the immigration hurdles set up by countries
Reads off like a preview of the United States in the very near future
fuck you Democrats
y'all have been nowhere when the minimum wage needed to be increased at least three times the current set limit just to start to put a dent in being able to afford to live and have rubbed shoulders with Republicans at celebrity filled galas while your voters begged for floor time to talk about current issues
even Roe v. Wade fell on your watch and Democrats never bothered to do much in the decades between when it was first ruled and now to begin with
nothing but empty promises about workers' rights and universal healthcare
Democrats quit being a political party that serves the people a long time ago and some new face is not going to change anything