this post was submitted on 07 Nov 2024
93 points (87.8% liked)

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Every self-respecting Democrat or leftist who cares about themselves or their family should own a firearm and know how to properly and safely use it.
We're entering a time where it may be critical that you need to defend yourself. It is not out of the realm of possibility that you or your family may be targeted in the not distant future for your political leanings.
We all know that the Republicans have guns because they never shut the fuck up about them, and we also know that in their wildest wet dreams Trump will let them run the streets gunning down anyone who is isn't white or anyone who voted Democrat.
They have guns, they know how to use them, how are you going to defend yourself when they come for you?

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[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago (3 children)

If it's not a good idea for you I'd suggest taking first aid classes or looking into community support organizations.

[–] Fosheze 9 points 2 months ago

I second this one. Even taking a full EMR (formerly first responder) course is surprisingly cheap and something most people would find useful. Employers also always love having EMRs on staff in any setting so it looks good on a resume too. My course also had us trained in FEMA disaster response procedures and got us signed us for that. Plus EMR volunteers are always needed for large events such as festivals and parades.

Going any higher than that probably wouldn't be worthwhile for the average person though.

[–] militaryintelligence 6 points 2 months ago

Fuck my community. Maga freaks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I know basic first aid and I'm looking into communities nearby. Additionally my family are preppers (Hurricane trama) so we've got some useful things laying around