It's still valid today.
Payroll fucked up and I didn't get a deposit a few weeks back. They gave me the choice of waiting 2 weeks and having the deposit added to my next paycheck, which is totally undoable, or they would cut me a paper check that day.
I took the paper check.
I decided it would be easiest if I could use my Bank apps Mobile deposit but it only allowed me to access $500 of it that day, the rest had to wait until the next business day which was Monday.
If I would have thought about it I would have done it this way so I could have had access to the whole check before the weekend.
When they eventually deorbit the space station they'll need a way to close and lock the door from the outside when everyone else is out.
Yes, they won't need an atmosphere if there are no people on board but undocking the station side hatch open would cause it to vent the atmosphere and anything not tied down. This could cause the station to spin uncontrollably and potentially do damage to the return craft with the crew on board.
So there must be some sort of way to manipulate the lock from the outside on at least one of the docking ports.
This would also be necessary in an event where they needed to evacuate the station.
He doesn't, 0.08 for normal drivers, 0.04 for pilots/CDL drivers.
In my state it's OVI (Operating Vehicle Impaired) and you can get one on a bicycle, canoe, or horse. it doesn't even have to have a motor.
Some of it probably is, most of the bright spots are probably flakes of hot tiles and molten stainless coming inside the bay from holes burnt between the flaps and fuselage (really bright patches on the sides)
True, but the masses that vote for them do.
No voters = no power
The article is three short paragraphs and has the answer at the bottom.
If people cannot be bothered to read beyond headlines we are truly fucked.
Good news!
Covid had a peak mortality rate of about 3%
Bird Flu has a mortality rate of about 56%
And most cases at the moment come from unpasteurized milk, which his buddy RFK jr promotes to Fox News fans (MAGA idiots).
If it stays the way it is with no person-to-person transmission they'll thin themselves out pretty quickly.
Without an atmosphere, how can you have smog and smoke?
Commercial and mining activities on the moon are infinitely better than anywhere on Earth.
There's no life on the Moon, there's no environments to be destroyed, species to be displaced, no atmosphere or oceans to pollute, etc.
If we're going to insist on continued industrialization it would be best to put it somewhere it's not poisoning the environment, like the moon.
My girlfriend jumped my ass a few days ago because I did all the chores.
I get home a few hours before she does and she's been stressed about work and the long drive so I've been doing all the chores and getting dinner ready. I figured she'd be able to relax instead of being strung like a bow and since I have about 3 hours of time before she got home that we'd be able to spend more time together too.
Turns out I'm making her feel like she doesn't contribute enough by doing all the chores and she needs to feel like she accomplished something when she gets home.
So, I got blamed for making her look lazy when my intent was just to give her time to chill.
We have a specific amendment that the right likes to shove in our faces as being designed to prevent tyranny.
It's a goddamn shame we won't use it.