this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
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[–] JBar2 17 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's messaging.

Trump has proven this for 3 straight elections, and the Dems need to face reality and play the fucking game.

The average voter doesn't want to be told they're racist or sexist. They don't want to hear that the other guy is a Nazi or a fascist. Even if all that is true.

All they want to hear is "Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of shit". The economy. Jobs. Immigration. Foreign competition. The usual shit. "We're going to fix it, and the other guy ain't".

That's what resonates about the MAGA slogan... The populace wants to believe someone's fixing shit and they can not worry about it.

The Dems need to embrace and pound the fuck out of that messaging, and they can do it without the racist, sexist, xenophobic language the right uses

  1. Messaging to appeal to the low-information voters that want to hear we're gonna kick ass. Get them excited and out to the voting booth

  2. Keep those masses happy by constantly saying you're fixing it and point to some piddly bullshit. Yell it from the rooftops, insist you're winning

  3. Keep the base happy by actually governing. But keep that shit quiet, except when talking to the big donors

Trump has proven this approach works. The average American voter isn't into policy details, they just want to feel like someone's doing something. The Dems need to wake up and act accordingly

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

The one thing Trump and Bernie had in common was they both started by recognizing and validating people's feeling that shit is fucked up, and saying they were going to change things for the better... One was a lying conman, but most people aren't trying to get that far into the weeds