
joined 2 years ago
[–] JBar2 105 points 6 days ago (7 children)

US law mandates retirement at 56 for Air Traffic Controllers due to the high stress and fast-paced multi-tasking nature of the job

It's considered one of the most mentally challenging jobs there are.


[–] JBar2 30 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Bytedance/TT put out a statement that this is BS

[–] JBar2 22 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Huh? It's a survey

Sure, they could be lying, but why would they?

And your employee anecdotal stories mean zilch

[–] JBar2 20 points 2 months ago (1 children)


Just say "I haven't made my whole shopping list yet, so I'll just go later when I'm prepared"

[–] JBar2 18 points 2 months ago

Another perspective is that a 3% increase in prices - even without non-labor inflation - to pay people closer to a living wage reflects a more accurate cost of that dining experience. It could be that the public is subsidizing those restaurants' labor through social programs that make up the difference vs a living wage

As you noted, with the real (or at least more realistic) cost of eating out reflected in the pricing, consumers will decide if that experience is worth it. And some businesses may close. And that's called capitalism

[–] JBar2 -1 points 2 months ago

Oh that's my bad. I didn't realize only one lawyer could work on any aspect of a case at a time. I wasn't aware that criminal cases were on a very strict timeline that cannot be impacted at all through resources or prosecutorial discretion on when to charge

[–] JBar2 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I would respectfully argue that everybody knew that there was an election coming that Trump was going to run in, and there was a possibility of him winning it. And that should have dictated the timeline to bring charges. And if that meant more resources or bringing fewer charges, or whatever, that should have been the game plan.

If you believe he's guilty, you don't give him time to run out the clock

[–] JBar2 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Except that after the drop when the investigation was made public, it's doing better than it was just prior to the announcement.

So unless an investor decided to sell at its lowest point, which is unlikely, they've actually made money since that news came out

[–] JBar2 1 points 3 months ago

Not sure about how it feels on the skin, but here's a good explanation of how Low-E glass coatings keep homes cooler in the summer


[–] JBar2 11 points 3 months ago

The vast majority of people moving to Bluesky aren't the least concerned about decentralized or not. They want off of Fascist Elmo's platform. And that's perfectly OK

[–] JBar2 2 points 3 months ago

All fair points. My intended point was that take some exception to Bernie's blanket statement that the Dems abandoned the working class voters. Though I agree they haven't focused enough there, nor message it correctly.

Biden definititely ran and led on a more progressively left platform after Bernie and AOC collaborated with them in 2020. I think it's clear Harris was going to continue that, but I don't think it was properly messaged

[–] JBar2 7 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Are you trying to make a point? Because you're not saying anything

I'm not defending Harris' overall campaign, but I am taking some issue with Bernie claiming that the Democrats have abandoned working class voters.

I like Bernie, and he makes some good points about the lack of any bill put forth to raise the minimum wage. But I think his overall characterization is quite a bit off base, especially when compared to what the Republicans are offering working-class voters. Which is basically nothing

I'll listen to any counterpoint with an open mind but you have to make one

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