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I may not have a choice. My wife is an immigrant. She's fully legal. If Trump carries out his plan to deport all immigrants she's going someplace (yet unknown) and I'll follow. What a nightmare.
I wonder if they'll send a letter asking your wife to please leave, or if you'll come home one day and she'll just be gone.
Like as in "made to become disappeared"? This turned dark pretty fast.
As in a group of Jack booted thugs come along , load you into a van without warning, without cell phone or anything. Then they drop you off wherever they think your country is with no resources.
Alas, that turned out to be just as dark as I thought it would be.
If you want to really know feasible this is, go read about how Stephen Miller (architect of the Muslim ban) wants to use red state national guardsmen to go to blue states and sanctuary cities to kidnap and deport immigrants.
Hint: It’s bad.
I was wrong. It was actually much darker than I thought possible.
For posterity, here are a couple of links that talk about this in depth,
That could cause another civil war.
This is my biggest fear