I agree. It leads to problems of its own.
I found This on the same site as @[email protected]. Doesn't sound 100% like their intent (unless whatever is "next" is a place to fill out personal details). However loading a webpage is enherantly at least a little bit risky.
It's a programing term that comes from the phrase "shooting yourself in the foot". Come to think about it, a loaded gun is a great example of safety mechinisms.
Theres two ways of looking at safe systems,
- People are idiots and will get themselves hurt. The machine should prevent them to keep them safe at all costs.
- without guardrails, people are vulnerable idiots and I am too. Let the machine prevent them until they understand and accept the risk.
As memtioned elsewhere in the thread, political pressure prevents implementation of safe systems. I absolutely love safeguards and being safe because foot guns are nasty. (Its why Rust is a great language.) but I will fight against things clearly created under the former philosophy because it locks people out of their own property. Because sometimes the "safety" is an excuse for controlling behavor.
Vanadium disables it for new sites by default. I wouldnt know how to disable it on chromium or firefox.
For me there are programs that "can acceptably use that much RAM" and those that it's "unacceptable", to me. what's 20% to 40% of my gaming rig's resources may be uncomfortably taxing and laggy for my laptop. Its okay to waste resources on my gaming rig but the laptop needs all it can get. I accept some software will not reasonably run on the laptop. My employer has stuck me on 10yo hardware before, running windows 10 pro + intrusive expensive antivirus and nobody is around to question why their computers are getting 5-15fps and locking up for a minute or two when you open chrome. It becomes normal. Any software is the host and/or backbone for other running software should focus on reducing it's own resource usage for the sake of its children.
Link didnt load for me... (on mobile vanadium/chrome)
Edit: JIT was disabled, that shouldnt effect anything but it does.
how can I get/make an archive to these websites you mentioned
My first thought was this was the thumb of a youtube video about wether the viewer was a piece of media. Lol.