Google Maps still calls it Gulf of Mexico also. And they still call that mountain "Denali". It isn't just Apple that didn't drop everything to push out a software update to hundreds of million of devices in less than 24 hours for nonsense.
You won't have to pay taxes any more.
They should create a crypto calles $Jesus .
It won't be sold. It is a huge global company. It was Trump who originally called for the ban. Now he can look lime a hero to young people (with Biden being the bad guy). If he doesn't do it, the is a rebranded version, also from China that will step in and replace it.
Respect is not a zero sum game.
I have gender neutral bathrooms in my house. I dont have urinals in them.
I've been arguing for years that you cannot find world peace until everyone finds inner peace. There are many practices you can follow to quell that inner turmoil. I think most people aren't even aware of how unbalanced and unsettled they are and instead blame external forces outside of their control. I feel like it has gotten worse in recent years. I have no idea how to steer others out of their inner chaos. Religion, mindfulness, music, pharmaceuticals, sex, the outdoors, sailing, stargazing, pottery wheels - there are many ways. Social media and TV do not usually help.
Ohio was on the verge of similar wildfires because of the drought this year too. There was a stretch of several weeks where the shoe was almost on the other foot. I think it was more luck, than anything, that we made it into winter largely unscathed.
Facebook Marketplace is my favorite part of Facebook. Thoughts about what might replace that?
Just in time since Trump suspended financing for all cancer research in the US.