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Training materials produced by the Florida Department of Education direct middle and high school teachers to indoctrinate students in the tenets of Christian nationalism, a right-wing effort to merge Christian and American identities. Thousands of Florida teachers, lured by cash stipends, have attended trainings featuring these materials.

A three-day training course on civic education, conducted throughout Florida in the summer of 2023, included a presentation on the "Influences of the Judeo-Christian Tradition" on the founding of the United States. According to speaker notes accompanying one slide, teachers were told that "Christianity challenged the notion that religion should be subservient to the goals of the state," and the same hierarchy is reflected in America's founding documents. That slide quotes the Bible to assert that "[c]ivil government must be respected, but the state is not God." Teachers were told the same principle is embedded in the Declaration of Independence.


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Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement.

“As he (Pope Francis) has said on several occasions, ‘in the Church there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’”

Seems like they’re playing it off as “grandpa had a woopsie”.


DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT takes place in the not-too-distant future after the government has banned the Bible for its “offensiveness” and replaced it with a government-approved version. A small group of Christians are recruited to smuggle God’s Word to underground churches throughout the Midwest. With a ruthless federal agent in hot pursuit, the believers must choose between following the law or honoring and trusting God.


A public school in Alabama invited a preacher to speak to students about Jesus and lead them in prayer. One reason we know that is because the preacher bragged about how he got away with itonline.

It happened at Stanhope Elmore High School, part of the Elmore County Schools District, on April 12. John Eklund was the speaker at a mandatoryassembly that students were told would address “mental health.” 

As a licensed clinical social worker, Eklund could have told students about how to deal with mental health struggles in a way that was universal. Instead, he used the opportunity to proselytize before leading students in a group prayer.

Was he going rogue? Did he do this despite promises that he would keep things secular?

Nope. It seems the school was well aware of what he planned to do.

Tacos. (
submitted 1 month ago by Nooodel to c/atheism

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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FlyingSquid to c/atheism

Oops. Forgot the front cover.

Thoughts? (
submitted 1 month ago by i_have_no_enemies to c/atheism

Imagine being such a persecuted group in America that you get to blast spam mail to everyone in your community in the name of religion with no repercussions.

I have never sinned (self.atheism)
submitted 1 month ago by Cool_Name to c/atheism

It is freeing to recognize that I have never sinned and it pissed Christians off when I say this. To clarify, in Christianity sin is not simply "the bad things we do" it is specifically an offense against god. God does not exists so i have never sinned against him.

I've been an atheist for for 16 years but it was only recently that I realized this distinction. It short-circuits the guilt based evangelism. It forces the christian to first demonstrate that god exists before they can convince me I have sinned and need to be saved from that sin. And to say the least, they are ill equipped to demonstrate the existence of god.


Lawrence Hecker pleaded the fifth 117 times as he detailed how the Catholic church protected him for more than two decades after he admitted to molesting children



This whole channel is pretty damn funny. Very dirty songs that sound like they were (mostly) recorded in the 50s and 60s.

(Wasn't sure if 'Fucking' was allowed in the title.)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Chonk to c/atheism

Did some chit chat with ChatGPT on religion.

Came on the conclusion that freedom of religion grants the right to follow whatever belief they want as long as it's not causing significant damage to society and it doesn't undermine other fundamental rights. Which gives room for religions to flourish which do not do any immediate harm but as more people join in it start putting burden on society's resources without returning any real value.


Project 2025 is a plan spearheaded by Heritage Foundation, a Christian Right juggernaut, for controlling (and in some cases dismantling) federal agencies in the event that a Republican wins the presidency.


like aside from politics what do you think about his reasoning, see :

Share your thoughts..


If Christianity is man made, why does everything about it go against man’s desires? Does Christianity go against man’s desires? If so, is that evidence for Christianity? I answer this question, discussing the history of Christianity, the cognitive science of religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and more.

The whole “atheists can’t answer this question” and “atheists can’t explain this” thing is really getting old.

Supposed Scientists (
submitted 1 month ago by magnolia_mayhem to c/atheism

I held on to hope that this would be satire way too long. Then I remembered what group I was on.

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