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A casual community for people with ADHD


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founded 1 year ago
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd
submitted 7 months ago by MTK to c/adhd

I strongly suspect that I have ADHD, but I can't see the benifit of getting diagnosed.

I know that if I get diagnosed and offically have ADHD I can get some medicine but I don't think I want that in any case.

Can you share your experience and what benifit you got from getting offically diagnosed?


After being switched to a new manufacturer for my generic adderall XR this last month I have been feeling spaced out, unable to concentrate and fatigued. I also noticed other people having problems online the last few weeks.

And for anyone that wants to say "it's all in your head, generics are the same" this manufacturer had a citation from the FDA this December failing on multiple points of "quality control":

FDA Data Dashboard

The citation's details states the following (summarized because the text boxes are images and not actual text...):

The responsibilities/procedures are not in writing and fully followed

Separate/defined areas to prevent contamination are deficient regarding holding of rejected components, drug product containers and closures before disposition

Buildings used in manufacture and holding of drug products are not well maintained

Equipment used in manufacture, processing, packing or holding of drug products is not appropriate design to facilitate operations for intended use

Equipment and utensils are not cleaned and maintained at appropriate intervals to prevent contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength quality or purity of drug product

Despite there being no guarantee drug is the proper dosage or even that the drug is pure and uncontaminated the FDA had taken no action or even warned them formally.

I literally do not understand how this drug is being sold right now.


I was initially given Ritalin (10mg pills) to try out; I cut them into four pieces each and spread it over the next month and a half. It worked well, allowed me to work, and felt 'smooth'.

I ran out, found that they are expensive here (I was diagnosed and prescribed a week of pills - 14 - initially in Taiwan), and went to Thailand (neighbouring country) to get more. Turns out the place I went to only had Rubifen, a generic variant. It was about the same as I paid for Ritalin so I thought why not, and got enough to get me through the next year.

Fast forward a month and a half... when I am on my 'off' days (Sat & Sun, when I don't need to work or study), I am now reacting to things pretty badly. I snapped at my partner very easily, I almost put a window through because I knocked a bottle over, and generally had a miserable weekend. With Rubifen, I feel fine, able to complete tasks, work and whatnot. Without it I'm not sure I should be around other people. Is this normal? Will it level off or should I go and get something else instead?

submitted 8 months ago by Philharmonic3 to c/adhd

Idk if this is allowed but I'm out of options. Does anyone have any tips on finding any pharmacy with Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine in stock? Every place near me seems to have been out of stock for 3 months now and it's killing me. Any help would be much appreciated.

Heyo Newbie Question here (
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/adhd

So I recently got my diagnosis and a RitalinLA prescription. I started with 10mg and am now on 20mg. The problem is, that I don't feel any difference. I don't take it on weekends, so I have regular references, but everything is still the same. For reference I'm an early twenties male. Did anyone have similar experiences and if so, was it just a dosage issue? Because I feel like there should be some effect at least.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

I was perfectly on time this morning when I woke up (which is rare) and everything was going smoothly until my routine was interrupted due to a phone call from my Mom and I forgot to take my meds before work.

I didn't realize I did until about an hour into my shift and something felt off. I had doubts as I was getting ready for work but my doc said to never take extra. (Edit: and remembering what it was like going from 40mg to 60mg I definitely didn't want to accidentally take 2)

I was a bit too scattered (best way to describe it) and even my coworker noticed I was a lot more talkative than usual.

And then it hit me, I didn't remember taking my meds in the morning and saying the date.

By 4 hours into my shift my stomach felt off, and by the 9th hour I had a headache creeping in.

Unfortunately I got home within 12 hours (more like 10) of when I normally take my meds, so I've got to wait.

On the plus side I bought a pill organizer today so it'll be easier to know if I missed my dose as I will be able to see if I did or not pretty easy.


I head up a small community for fans of a niche indie brand. The founder is doing an event in Japan with an exclusive item for people who attend! I was so excited and was looking into booking a plane ticket to go!

However.. turns out that Japan has a law that absolutely forbids stimulant medication in the country. And, no, I don't really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.

I'm really shattered, as I wanted to attend this cool event and meet up with other enthusiasts. It really hurts to be barred from an opportunity like this.

I hate ADHD. I really do.


I need all your tips, tricks and ideas - both to help my kid get started on and finish her work, and to help me get through it. Because currently it’s painful for both of us. I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, sitting with her and trying to make myself stay focused so I can help her stay on task.

What does your evening look like? How often do you take breaks and what do you do during the break? Do you have any fidgets, wiggle chairs, etc., that you keep in the “homework area” for them to use while they’re doing their homework? Anything you’ve learned almost always derails things?

What we’ve tried so far (she’s in 4th grade):

  • Do one entire item (ex: worksheet, reading passage, spelling list) then take a break and do something fun - this works for some things but others we’re sitting there for 20-30 minutes struggling to finish it
  • Set a timer and do as much as she can in 10-15 minutes then take a break - this works well at the start each evening but each time it’s more of a struggle for both of us to come back and do more homework. I feel like it may be too many transitions for our tired, end-of-day executive functioning abilities (or lack thereof).
  • Earn a small piece of candy for each question answered, math problem solved, etc. - This works well for math, but I don’t like to use it before we eat dinner, and usually we do at least some homework before dinner.

I just want to help her find some skills she can use to tackle “have to do” things - because as we all know it’ll be a daily struggle even as adults (at least during the work week).

magnesium (
submitted 8 months ago by HootinNHollerin to c/adhd

cross-posted from:

The effects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Positive response to magnesium oral loading test - PubMed

Accomodations? (self.adhd)
submitted 8 months ago by beirdobaggins to c/adhd

I've heard people talk about asking for accommodations at work for their ADHD but I have not really heard of any examples of accommodations that have been given for this reason.

If you have accommodations at work, can you share what they are and if you feel like they have been helpful?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/adhd

Does anyone else feel a degree of imposter syndrome with work, like it's only matter of time until you can't work around your ADHD enough to avoid problems and everything falls apart?

I'm currently provisionally diagnosed with ADHD, pending further testing. I managed to get a degree and was working for a few years when someone recommended I get tested where I proceeded to finally pass this one test with flying colors...

My experience with work is that in the beginning, my attitude and enthusiasm to learn tends to give my bosses the impression that I have so much potential.

Then, cue the slow car crash that is me failing to meet that potential, then the cracks starting to show due to disorganisstion or task paralysis in my work, eventually putting me in a position where my competency is questioned and I'm falling behind on work because I'm struggling to meet (imo) great expectations that might seem realistic to neurotypical people, but is a struggle for me.

Then I jump ship to a new job, and the cycle restarts.

I thought I had a handle on my latest job. Stayed for just over a year. I thought this was it, I wasn't an imposter, I was finally fitting in. Then cracks, and everything fell apart and I'm now at risk of losing my job again. I tried my best, and I just feel disappointed in myself, like even I can't trust myself to do things right even at max effort.

This sucks.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

So I recently started to recognize a lot of the behaviors associated with ADHD. I was and still am in doubt whether I have ADHD or not, but some specific events caused me to ask my doctor to refer me for a diagnosis. I was actually doing quite OK-ish this year, after having struggled with self-worth, short depressive episodes and mild trauma in the recent past. But I noticed that I started to have trouble focusing again as the newness wore off after my career change. And I got called out by my friends for "acting ADHD". Which did not sound unusual at all.

So I got the referral, went through the intake with shrink 1, did an adult ADHD diagnosis with shrink 2. The diagnosis involved me and my mom answering questions about the presence of ADHD symptoms now and in my early childhood (5-12 yo). Basically, now I do have almost all of the characteristics, though they often are erratic (no problems studying, huge difficulties with household tasks, work productivity varies orders of magnitude day to day) and often not noticed by others (my average productivity in a month is great, though many days I feel shit due to not being able to do what I am supposed to).

In childhood, no symptoms were found. Zero. Partly because everyone in my family is forgetful and mom picks up stuff after everyone all the time, I was constantly reminded/pushed/supported and did not really have the opportunity to forget things (though I still did) and partly because like now, many of these things happen in my head and are not noticeable in the averages that others see. Except when I'm talking too much and interrupting people but I guess thats acceptable when children do it.

Maybe I don't have ADHD. Maybe it's something else. Maybe the shrink misunderstood me.

But I feel shit right now. The title is what I had pre-planned to say to people about the outcome and if they say again "don't act so ADHD". I can say it with a laugh and everyone thinks I'm funny and quirky.

But the truth is, I feel misunderstood. I feel like a failure for having fallen into an ADHD phenotype even though I am hugely privileged and have none of the baggage so many people here do. No childhood trauma, no school/grades problems, no poverty.

I can't help but feel that my behavior is my fault, as is wasting health professionals time, who could have helped someone who actually needed it. Shrink 1 is on "long-term sick leave" now. She got stressed by me clicking things constantly during the (remote) interviews. Another thing to feel guilty about.

Best case now is that they diagnose me with some sort of anxiety disorder now. I have been reading a book on autism that I found and it somewhat satisfies my yearning for closure and community in what the author finds, but it also makes it extra painful that I don't have that.

I don't have ADHD, I just am super annoying. And I need to deal with that and it's not actually all that funny.

I'm sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for sharing your stories and memes and goodbye!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

Recently I feel like I'm working, sleeping, or waiting for work to start. I hate it, I can't figure out how to break this waiting mode. Does anyone have any advise?

EDIT: That ADHD moment where you see loads of people have given great advice, but there's so much it's overwhelming! Thank you all, I'll try and go through and implement what I can


I'm going to assume you've heard the stereo-panning version of the record player song that did the rounds.

However, searching for more like this, I can only seems to find shitty low-effort remixes of songs with someone swiping the entire audio track back and forth, without timing it to the actual notes of the song or putting distinct elements in their own space or any of the actually cool counterpointy stuff you could do with this.

Has anyone found any that don't suck?

submitted 8 months ago by Retreaux to c/adhd

Hey everyone, I saw a community called ADHD Talk, but it's got no users, so I came here instead.

I like this community because it provides a lot of funny contexts for the difficulties I come across in understanding my diagnosis, and some honest stories from other ADHD people (victims? Possessors?, Space cadets?)

It's also hard because, like some legitimate OCD possessing members that groan at every mild example of specificity, it's hard to filter out the general decrease of attention spans due to technological advances/rapid cuts used in animation from other people trying to understand and live with a diagnosed disorder.

Anyways, hoping I can make some new friends here (which despite being very social in person and 33 years old, I haven't figured out how to make friends online somehow?)

Time management (
submitted 8 months ago by xkforce to c/adhd

It was a phone call. That's literally it. I spent months procrastinating making a phone call that ended up being short and virtually painless.


I take on or start too many projects, and often get to a place where they’re so intertwined and tangled that I just stall.

Is there a simple free project organisation app that would help me last the chunks of what I need to do out, and see which ones are holding up parts of other projects? It might make me feel less like I’m slowly being buried alive buy my own choices

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

TLDR: Have you any tips or resources about how to be motivated to do things which you enjoy having ADHD in mind?

Hey, recently I had to stop my ADHD meds for a while.

Additionally I have a lot of time right now bec. of medical reasons and I try to do things I want to do instead of proctrastinating, so whenever I realize that I'm just doing stuff without actually enjoying them, I try to sit back, make me some tee and think about what I want to do. Like not in the future, but right now.

But the thing is, very often I just sit there and there is nothing I want to do. I try to enjoy doing nothing but it is kind of frustrating sitting there and thinking about what I want to do and nothing comes up.

I wanted to ask if this is a me thing or an ADHD related thing, and if so how you manage that. I either am completly stressed out with 100 projects at the same time or doing nothing and having no motivation to do anything. How can I be motivated to do things I enjoy? How to find things which I enjoy without sitting there and stressing out that currently I'm not motivated to do anything?

More or less (
submitted 8 months ago by nifty to c/adhd

My childhood best friend is ADHD, all but 1 of my other childhood friends is ADHD and about half of my current friends that I hang out with are either ADHD, on the autism spectrum or likely to be but as yet undiagnosed.

ADHD... win? (
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/adhd
  • Put clothes in washer.
  • 36 hours later, realize never put clothes in dryer! Aww crap... gonna need to wash again.
  • Investigate. Discover never started washer, clothes never got wet.
  • Victory...?
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

I'm studying for a test and the only resources I have are the presentations and somebody's notes in text form. It's a knowledge-retrieval test (no counting/reasoning), and unfortunately I don't know what the questions look like so it seems I really will have to go through everything covered.

Now of course some inanimate notes and a PPT file are the most un-captivating learning format that a person with ADHD could face. One thing I'm good at is going down rabbitholes, so I thought about just googling questions I have about the things written on each page. But the notes go on for 60 pages and it would take a really really long time. I'm lost for ideas. Has anybody found any learning techniques that help when focusing on things as bland as this?


Are there any other books where the main character seems to be neurospicy?

Also I highly recommend the series to anyone who likes SciFi. The books are really short so easy to finish even for slow readers or “need to read that page 5 times” readers. And audiobooks exist too!

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