I get what you are saying. Like when Bernie Sanders lead the polls by a huge margin, and MSNBC was like "he's not leading enough, he will fail"
Of course no one will vote for him if you tell them their vote won't matter....
I get what you are saying. Like when Bernie Sanders lead the polls by a huge margin, and MSNBC was like "he's not leading enough, he will fail"
Of course no one will vote for him if you tell them their vote won't matter....
In all seriousness, I was exaggerating, if you do a little bit small talk with the neighbors who don't run away when they see other neighbors, you will fitt right in. Maybe even be a recipient of small talk if you figure something they like talking about
I'm an introverted guy with ADHD, so I avoid smalltalk, but if my kids are playing with your kids, and I had copious amounts of coffee, I'll have a word vomit, and my wife will text me to shut up about Greek mythology or whatever the other person mentioned first
My condolences. I won't hate on you Americans who end up as my neighbor in the future. I won't talk to you either, but that's not because you are American, that's because you decided to move to Norway and we don't talk to our neighbors here
After having an eye on American news stations every election year since Obama...
Right wing media: the left side is insane.
Left wing media: both sides are equal
I didn't understand why, before I understood who earns money when you watch the news
I agree, but who says more taxes means having less money? I mean I pay tax, and then my kids are able to go to school, and potentially up to including college for free (when I took classes in college there was a token fee of 60 dollars per semester), and I've never paid for an ambulance, even though ive used one, my daughter has used one, and my wife has used several. Token fees at hospitals, and doctors offices. Token fees for expensive medicine, totally free medicine that you need to live.
Maybe it's my European point of view, I get that let's say if taxes are raised in a third world country, it would go to politicians families. What's his name Jared Kushner?
Thanks, I hadn't read up anything about Regan before, to me he was just the joke unbelievable actor turned president that made it harder for Doc Brown to believe Marth McFly had traveled back in time.
(Note: I'm not American)
Was project 81 similar to project 25? This heritage foundation sounds like a pedofile ring
Is it though? Assuming these people care fuck all about politics
The math actually works, and is quite simple. Just assume the fish is a sphere
Education should be free, even for the kids if the neighbor you don't like.
Of course it's not free, it costs tax money, but it's okay. Id rather my neighbors had free education, then maybe I'd like them.
I have to age my self and say that I am a year younger than the end of the Regan precidency...
But I can distinctly remember people in the 90s gushing over wanting to have green cards, and getting hand made dolls and dresses from America.
And if I reflect on recent history, Nixon probably did more than Regan did to turn the helm of the ship strictly towards all the icebergs
I really like your comment, but I think Trump did what the other bafoons couldn't. Get normal people not interested in politics to understand this point. And thus both our comments have merit
The US presidency is no longer considered the leader of the free world... Not since 2016
Time before what? Before you canceled?