Found this random image which going down a Google rabbithole
Don't know what the context of this image is
Found this random image which going down a Google rabbithole
Don't know what the context of this image is
Companies whinge about piracy yet they incentivise it with their shitty practices
Is this animorphs
That shade of brown isn't helping
It looks more like shit than a hotdog
Is it just me or does it look like elon has been declining in physical health
Every post I see about him, he just looks worser and worser
Usually with these comments they are usually trolls
Plastic can leech plastic into your food, I know this personally from getting headaches from using soda bottles as water bottles
Does this work ?
Reason number * I'm glad I don't live in america
Fucking sickos like these
Now that you've said this I want to know if other shapes without corners are possible
But also why do they need a bigger collider
And how is this interesting either
It's just a bunch of racists being racists
As someone who is not american what is chicken sand
All i can picture is a chicken breast and sand
Edit: unless chicken sand is short for chicken sandwich