I know you were being metaphorical, but Tommy Tuberville nearly brings your scenario to life. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't real life.
Purity-based movements that use hate as a weapon inevitably end in circular firing squads.
This reads more like the panic of an addict who thinks they're about to be cut off and less like a coherent take on the issue.
In reality, even if this passes the Senate, TikTok will be sold to a US-based holding company. Little will change for the end user. It isn't going to shut down. And even if it did shut down (which it won't ), this article really cheapens the meaning of "tragedy."
Yup. It'll be Trump's surrender tour.
Trickle down wasn't invented in the 1980s. It was a rebranding of what was previously pilloried as horse and sparrow economics in that if you let horses gorge on oats, some undigested oat will pass through their systems and be deposited in the fields for the sparrows to eat.
Gee, I wonder why they rebranded.
This is how sync has run for almost a decade? I'm not sure why one would jump to the conclusion that it's abandoned. Love it or hate it, it is completely in line with how the dev has run his project for years.
And throughout the 1930s you had bootleggers and gangsters with Tommy guns terrorizing urban areas across America with gangland shootings and widespread abductions since they outgunned the police. What happened? The feds got bigger guns and passed gun control to get machine guns off the street. And this was actually possible back then because the NRA was still a legitimate civil society organization emphasizing responsible gun ownership and not yet a glorified marketing campaign for arms manufacturers.
The OPs question is basically a false premise born of forgetting history.
The rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
- ~~Zapp Branigan~~ -Michael Scott
I started using Reddit in 2007ish or thereabout. I'm done. I am sick of the drama there, the direction of the platform, and the people are nicer here to boot.
Cult people using the cult as an excuse/justification to behave like selfish assholes. A tale as old as time.
When are the rest of us going to get sick of this petulant bullshit?
Same here. US region.
Yup. By and large, the SEO industry is a cancer.