In the same sense that life insurance ads are really about the importance of family, sure
joined 1 year ago
They are altering the deal. Pray they don't alter it any further.
Can we make this our "deplorables?" I really wanna join the abortion army, ngl
"now here's more bomb money."
LegendOfTotalWar feeling this rn
Don't threaten me with a good time.
Mhm, I'm sure that this is just one small part of your long history of activism to increase prisoner access to health and dental care.
Yes yes, keep complaining about trans people existing. That's much simpler than thinking about why there are so many fucking prisoners for you, isn't it?
Thanks for the detailed response!
If you don't mind my asking, which paints did you use for the bone white plating? Looks amazing!
Last is usually the best place to be, honestly. No stress from the rat race. Free sweet items you can use to play kingmaker. Ambition is for fools in MarioKart