Was bringt mir Glasfaser wenn ich dank Telekoms abscheulichem Peering trotzdem nur 2kBit/s gegen bestimmte Server bekomme?
joined 4 months ago
This definition of "better" feels like claiming that a Beeper that's constantly hooked to power is the perfect alarm because it warns you every time someone is trying to break in - while entirely ignoring that it is just constantly blaring.
The rebound effect summarised
Green Is My Pepper
Oh suspiciously well-fed dog of the battlefield, what is your wisdom?
BItte vorsichtig umfahren
Fer-de-Lance; Meta Fer-de-Lance
Positiv überrascht dass der Titel nicht in die Richtung von "Radfahrer nach mutmaßlich beabsichtigter Kollision mit Fahrzeug ums Leben gekommen" ging.
Sold off to the lowest bidder who then "handles the recycling" - aka dumps it on some landfill in a 3rd world country.
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Meh. Zu komplex um sich's zu merken :P