
joined 2 years ago
[–] wavebeam 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

just did the math, I've averaged about $165/yr on steam, with very little (though not none) microtransactions. like maybe less than $50 total in 15 years.

[–] wavebeam 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

this is part of your compensation. you pay state taxes for it. And you deserve it. decades of corporate propaganda has made most people believe they don't deserve leave at all. ignore the haters and take your leave.

[–] wavebeam 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Probably just their favorite song. Easy to find songs without buying them… ;P

[–] wavebeam 1 points 2 weeks ago

I don’t really understand your snippet. But yeah i think the issue with IoT devices having connection to any other network device at all is that if they have a security hole that can be exploited through a malicious USB drive or BT or any other compromised device it can connect to, that it can act maliciously in a number of ways. The only true security for devices that can’t get patched is a complete air gap for any connected devices.

[–] wavebeam 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I have a pi-hole. And my asus router can probably close all outbound traffic. I also think USB printing is fine tbh. I don’t need AirPrint.

[–] wavebeam 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Isn’t the concern that if you infect a printer locally, you can use that to “pivot” to another device on that network that IS connected to the internet?

[–] wavebeam 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

This is being widely reported, but I still haven’t been able to figure out exactly what printers and what firmwares this is applying to. I’ve got a brother laser printer, but it’s been unplugged for a few weeks now as I moved around my home office. I do usually use it on wi-fi for wireless network printing, but I haven’t tapped update on it for months. I would like to know what I should look for to identify if this is an issue for me.

Obviously I’ve got a few possible scenarios: 1 - my printer is updated past this firmware already: A. I can only buy brother toner B. I figure out to downgrade, which sounds tricky. C. I buy a new(old) printer? 2 - my printer isn’t updated: A. I turn off network functions on it entirely, printing using the USB port or with a USB cable. B. I block internet access on my network, but allow it to work locally. This is potentially risky if i do setup wrong or change my network config and forget about it. C. I say fuck it and only buy brother toner since it’s probably going to impact pricing either way

[–] wavebeam 11 points 1 month ago

I'd really like to think that the governments of states like California, Oregon, Washington, and New York would work with Canada to resist this stupid stunt and offer to instead become canadian provinces. I mean, if we're doing stupid shit about control of borders or whatever, and these states are already being attacked by Trump and giving more to the Fed than they're taking back, why not just offer our GDP to Canada in exchange for a functioning Federal government, with healthcare for our citizens too?

[–] wavebeam 1 points 3 months ago

Yes, this is true. And I think the industry managed to pull together a pretty decent one.

[–] wavebeam 2 points 3 months ago

This is not true. I don’t understand why you’re even saying this obvious both-sides propaganda after the election. Harris would not have tanked the economy like Trump’s about to. Biden recovered the damage trump did in his first term and it’s reasonable to think Harris would have continued that trend.

[–] wavebeam 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The ESRB isn’t awful, it’s not perfect of course, but I think it’s pretty dang good for what it is.

[–] wavebeam 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yeah what’re they gunna do to me, double Dutch my ass in another country for posting a meme?


Hey all!

I currently utilize Debian and used KDE Plasma on my old computer as a Plex server, RetroNAS, and also run protonVPN when i need to use it for downloading files for Plex to server on my network devices. The only problem is, I have to leave a keyboard and mouse plugged in for when i need to use it, but don’t have much space in the corner it stays in.

I happen to work for a touch screen company and have a glut of touch screens laying around my home office and I’ve got a VESA mount in the corner this PC lives in, and one of my spare touch monitors can go there. Unfortunately I’ve had trouble with touch friendliness with Linux distros. I’d love to find one that can support my usage needs with just the touch screen. So an on screen keyboard, and support for scrolling web pages (Wayland?) and other scrollable areas would be stellar.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a distro that would be great at this kind of thing? My PC uses an intel chipset with integrated graphics, if that matters.


I made this video review of a new aftermarket VMU for the Dreamcast. Infinite virtual VMUs!


I currently run windows 10 on my main desktop PC, and also have a steam deck that I sometimes use in desktop mode instead of my desktop. With the way Windows is going, and the way Linux Gaming is dramatically improving, I might consider ditching Windows, at least for the most part, on my next PC build. What would be the best distro to use for gaming, with casual use as well? Any suggestions?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by wavebeam to c/crtgaming

Heard about these on the CRT Podcast by RetroTech and ZezRetro. Seems insane, I’m really curious about them.

Edit: changed link, hopefully it works now?


We’re not doing so well with the news. We’ve had him since he was a 8-week-old puppy, and we’re definitely not ready to say goodbye. He’s the sweetest and quietest husky you’ve ever met.

Anyway, I guess I’m posting just as a coping mechanism, but I guess post your messages for him or us, his caretakers, and we’d love to share them with him or appreciate your admiration for him.

Image Alt text: a smiling Siberian Husky in a yard with grass, a tree, and a brick feature in the background. The husky is looking upwards behind the camera. He has light blue eye, a black and white coat with a hint of tan on his legs, and a raccoon-like mask printing around his eyes.


I love this video and how it reveals how displays work, it’s really enlightening if you’re interested in understand a bit of why CRTs look great for old games!


Love this little guy! Clear picture, very little CRT whine, super adjustable, and excellent scanlines. Just an adorable and beautiful little PVM.


My wife got me this silly little plastics phone holder thing because it looks like an old CRT and she thinks it’s silly that I love them so much.

submitted 2 years ago by wavebeam to c/crtgaming

I figured folks who are exploring both Kbin and Lemmy might enjoy subbing to both to get a mix of fediverse CRT love!

submitted 2 years ago by wavebeam to c/crtgaming

Gotta love a nice macro shot of some scanlines.


This 32” beast of a trinitron has been RGB modded and accepts composite, S-video, and of course RGB. Geometry isn’t perfect, but it’s close enough to sit back and enjoy!

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