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[–] voldage 4 points 2 months ago (21 children)

Give me any reasonable source other than your ass that shows registered voters left of center stayed home instead of voting. I'd wager much more undecided centrists did, because they didn't care which of the two right wing parties won. It would be an asspull as well, but mine at least has some reason behind it, while yours just blames the left for being bad and stupid and stinky.

[–] voldage 7 points 2 months ago

IQ tests intentionally omit any questions related to empathy, emotional intelligence and creativity, so it can favour people from the top of the pile and act as accurate perdictor of success in ruthless capitalist society. It implicitly promotes lack of those traits in individuals and explicitly promotes the definition of intelligence that's unrelated to them. While you don't get lower scores if you're highly creative or empathetic person, so it's not directly a detrimental for society and can be a useful metric for some cases like specific jobs, it's image as sole measure of intelect is manufactured to promote "specific kind of people", to which group many republican businessmen would belong.

I'm not disagreeing with what you said, just thought I'd expand on that.

[–] voldage 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's not, pro-palestine crowd in USA is relatively politicaly concious, so you would be hard pressed to find people from that group that didn't vote for Harris. Idea that people caring about Gaza in USA would be unaware that Trump is worse pick is flawed, as it would require both awareness about foreign affairs and USA capabilities in terms of negotiating the ceasefire, and also being completely unaware of Trump attitude towards Palestine and Israel. Also, anyone caring enough to protest most likely cares enough to vote, so those people weren't the issue.

Dems fucked up their campaign big time and now they're looking for scapegoats to blame, unable to admit to their many flaws that led to this result.

[–] voldage 1 points 2 months ago

Excuses? I'm not even from the USA. That's a critique. And you seem to miss the point of it entirely.

[–] voldage 2 points 2 months ago (5 children)

I find it hard to believe people making those memes are dumb enough to believe the underlying message. The pro-palestinian activist crowd was way too small to change anything in this massive loss, and I'd wager more of them percentage wise went and voted for Harris after all, than registered Dems did. Those people are politicaly concious enough to care about foreign politics, something vast majority of the voter base doesn't care in the slightest. I've seen you fuckers shadow boxing with some theoretical far left cabal, both apparently major in terms of being blamed for diverting voters and insignificant in terms of being worth listening to according to your propaganda, and I've barely ever seen anyone from the left saying that they wont vote for Harris. You've spammed those memes about not voting for Harris being a vote for Trump and pointed fingers at abstract pro-palestinian crowd, despite knowing fully well those people were going - and did, by the way - to vote for Harris. Dems lost not because of the politicaly engaged people on the left, you morons. Dems lost because they completely failed to engage people that weren't interested in politics. They completely capitulated the border issue to the GOP, allowing to full blown fascist narrative to emerge - something that wouldn't have happend it they pushed back instead. They paraded the animated corpse of Biden for far too long, going they could get away with it somehow. Completely sanitized Harris and muzzled Walz after their initial pro-workers and anti-corporate messages. They tried to shame people into voting instead of engaging them, shitted on the open primary, silenced arab communities, and then got confused when people not caring about politics too much failed to show up.

You're trying to show how much smarter you are than the anti-genociders with those memes, but you're completely missing the mark. This outcome is exactly what those people warned you about. People are mostly disengaged from the politics, and when they vote, they vote based on vibes. The year long support for genocide, broadcasted on every station and in many speeches, is a fucking vibe killer for many voters. The Dems had atrocious vibes all the way back from the october 7. They should have never give a green light for killing the civilians, on either side. They fumbled and refused to acknowledge it.

But yeah, Gaza is a relatively minor issue to the voters, seeing as people aren't interested in foreign politics at all. The reason why Dems lost was a sum of many other fuck ups as well. They barely even talked about Biden being pro union and walking the picket line. They barely pushed against the inflation lies. They laser focused being anti-immigration and calling Trump (deserved, sure) names. They're 100% guilty of letting Trump rule now, seeing how bad Trump campaign was. And seeing how your current propaganda looks like, it seems like you're not going to learn any lessons from this loss, assuming you guys ever get to vote again.

[–] voldage 2 points 2 months ago

The faulty assumption in the more naive approach was treating operations on infinite series in the same way you would treat operations on finite sums. The order of elements being added is important, as it does change the series, and the naive approach based on putting 0 in between each numbers like 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + ... which was incorrect. There are ways to prove it does sum up to -1/12 from what I remember though, it's just the addition of 0's that's bad.

[–] voldage 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Technically (not really) sum of all positive integers results in -1/12, which is due to the nature of infinite series and MATH I no longer understand. So it stands to reason, that if you add a -1 multiplier and sum results of both series together, you would get 0! Approximately.

[–] voldage 2 points 2 months ago

I'm not sure why that wouldn't be the case, seeing as project 2025 has circulated the news way before the elections day. Daily graph with barely a month shown on it isn't going to display the interest in project 2025 overall. That bump is just people checking out which flavour of fucked up they got.

[–] voldage 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'd say any claims about rape being a justification for genocide have lost their weight after Israelis protested punishment of IDF soldiers for rape of prisoners on the basis of "Palestinians deserving it". There are no moral arguments supporting begining, maintaining or continuing the genocide in Gaza.

[–] voldage 5 points 2 months ago

While there were many detrimental factors Dems failed to properly address or apparently expected to be treated as positives, the obvious main one was attempting to outflank the GOP from the right. Every attempt to talk negatively about immigration or social issues was bound to result in more people taking Trump seriously instead of thinking Dems will do something. Everything about the illegal immigration rethoric was false, from the numbers to the effects, and Dems knew it - they decided they wanted to pretend this issue exists, so they can also play the right wing populist game. Pro-genocidal rethoric was also something right wing electorate knew Trump would do better, and some people disgusted with that rethoric decided not to vote. Dems wanted to become more right wing, to get that sweet ability to talk complete bullshit about everything and cover their inefficiencies with the mirages of bigotry. They believed their more "reasonable" right wing populist will win instead of wild maniacy like Trump - exactly as they did back in 2016, except this time Kamala had the chance to shape a different image for herself and she refused to do so. They gambled going to get away with moving further right and still getting elected, since Trump should have been very unpopular by all metrics they were capable of imagining. Instead, they gained no votes from the right and lost a fuck ton from the center and the left. Their arrogant and callous campaign sentenced many americans to likely death. They absolutely could have fought with all they had and ceded concessions to their voters instead of donors and "allies" like Israel. They could have went left instead of right, as many of us hoped after the Walz VP pick. Instead they lost, as the worse and less dedicated right wing party of US. They're to blame for what's going to happen next, not some abstract impossible to be pointed with finger voters. Yeah, Harris being a black woman in this deeply conservative society was a detriment to her chances. That was outside of her control, unlike everything else she did or didn't do.

I'll be honest, unless most of the Democratic Party gets purged, it's probably meaningless to vote for them (assuming you even can) in 2028. There couldn't have been easier victory to be had, and they fucked it up. They should have called Trump a pedophile, but were afraid that their own pedophiles like Clinton would get hit with a shrapnell. They could have promised to tax the ultra rich, like Elon Musk down to the fucking ground, but they wanted their money themselves. They didn't want to promise anything big, knowing fully well that no one would believe them with their terrible track record of implementing any meaningful and radical chances, while Trump claimed everything was the fault of immigrants and foreign adversaries and promised radical actions against them. Believing that they wont pull the same bullshit in 2028 is naive, they will refuse to learn anything from this catastrophe, move further right and campaign on "returning to the norm". Fuck them. Let the greedy fucks burn, just as you will because of them. USA needs a third (and fourth, and fifth...) party, and it needs it now instead of in 4 years. Dems should be completely discarded, and I hope the pain you will feel in next 4 years, pain that they could have prevented but chose not to instead, will convince you as well.

Yeah, I'm done, sorry for the rant. Posts casting blame on voters instead of Dems majorly piss me off right now.

[–] voldage 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I don't think you can check if array of n elements is sorted in O(1), if you skip the check though and just assume it is sorted now (have faith), then the time would be constant, depending on how long you're willing to wait until the miracle happens. As long as MTM (Mean Time to Miracle) is constant, the faithfull miracle sort has O(1) time complexity, even if MTM is infinite. Faithless miracle sort has at best the complexity of the algorithm that checks if the array is sorted.

Technically you can to down to O(0) if you assume all array are always sorted.

[–] voldage 15 points 2 months ago

She didn't? I believe that's exactly what she came across as when she said she wouldn't do anything different if she were to call the shots instead of Biden and also reminded everyone she signed off on most of his decisions. Sure, she lost votes because of sexism as well, but instead of fresh air she chose to bring stale coffin smell to the fart battle and lost to the stink Trump was all too happy to discharge. And that coffin did smell of a old white dude, let me tell you.

That being said, for such a gigantic loss against someone as obnoxious as Trump, there had to be a lot of factors in play. Sexism and stagnation of the party being just a tip of the iceberg.

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