
joined 3 months ago
[–] vestigialthorn 2 points 2 months ago

TLDR; the non-monogomous community has a generally lower tolerance for the toxic social norms common among cis-het men. A man that finds himself impatient with his success in dating might consider that it makes sense for non-men to be cautious of all men, and he might need to do the work to recognize he might be the one that needs to learn what others expect of him to be found attractive.

[–] vestigialthorn 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Edit: I have since realized that I am unsure on the calculation of tax burden is calculated for the chart.

I am skeptical of the representation of the data. My sense for ways to skew data is set off when making statements of segments of population when the segments are not comparable.

I would need a better understanding of the calculation of the values reported to be able to justify that the top 20% are split into smaller groups than they’re being compared to.

[–] vestigialthorn 5 points 2 months ago

Loved that show


I’m curious about some of the other positions and what people have taken away from volunteering at a burn.

Last year, I volunteered for Sanctuary, and I really appreciated the opportunity. It was a pleasure to hold space for folks, and I’m glad I was able to help ensure their comfort and wellbeing. NGL, I did well to have a low stimulation time away from the excitement of the rest of burn.

I’m hoping to do the same again as well as trying Perimeter and the cafeteria at Apogaea.

[–] vestigialthorn 5 points 2 months ago

As an enby trans person, it was checking in my early teens for surgery scars of sex determination assuming that I had been intersex and that my parents chose a gender and being disappointed that there were none but still hoping that it was too early to have developed noticeable scars.

[–] vestigialthorn 19 points 2 months ago (7 children)

tbh This one comes across as a bit shaming of nonconforming gender expression as the butt of the joke.

[–] vestigialthorn 18 points 3 months ago

Goth academia

[–] vestigialthorn 2 points 3 months ago

Baking Board games Camping Carving Drawing Gardening Guitar effects pedal construction/mod Guitar/Mandolin/Banjo Hiking Juggling Knitting Learning Miniature painting Origami Photography Programming (now career) Puzzles Reading Sculpting Sewing Weight training Woodwork Writing ...a bunch I can't remember

[–] vestigialthorn 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Specifically for progesterone:

Con: near constant ravenous hunger Pro: greater difference in fat distribution, especially top growth

Apogaea 2024 (self.burningman)
submitted 3 months ago by vestigialthorn to c/burningman

I just got passes for myself and a partner for this year’s Apogaea. I’m so excited. It will be my first time at this burn, and I’ve heard good things from folks I’ve met that’ve been before. Anyone else going?

[–] vestigialthorn 1 points 3 months ago

Awesome. I’m glad you’ve been finding things to try out and stay comfortable with it.

[–] vestigialthorn 4 points 3 months ago

A nice article giving a broad coverage. I came across a lot of this when researching divination when I first got into reading for myself. As a secular tarot reader, I found it really helpful to know the history to delineate between aspects that I found helpful/unnecessary for myself.

[–] vestigialthorn 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Make up wipes or creams are ideal.

Big thing is that these are not water-based and require a little bit of solvent help get along. One of the safest things to try would probably be a little bit of olive oil. 

[–] vestigialthorn 2 points 3 months ago

That is awesome for you. I have loved reclaiming my masculinity since letting go of it. I feel like I’ve just had an everlasting emergence and metamorphosis rather than a singular hatching.

I wish there was a similar community here, but the vibes over at r/ftmfemininity are emaculate.

Cabin gaming with friends (self.boardgames)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by vestigialthorn to c/boardgames

Been in the north GA mountains playing board games with some of my closest friends. For the last several years we rent a cabin for at least weekend each year. It’s my last one before moving and it’s been a blast. Still have through Monday.

[Edit for games play list:]

  • Seas of strife
  • Nippon
  • So Clover
  • Knarr
  • Wyrmspan
  • Aqua
  • Just One
  • Supply Lines of the American Revolution
  • Table tennis
  • Zombicide
  • Straw
Regional burns (self.burningman)
submitted 3 months ago by vestigialthorn to c/burningman

Since the About section specifically calls out folks that call BRC as home, what are the thoughts on regional burns?

I have only been to Alchemy and will be trying to make it to Apogaea this year. The much smaller size seems more intimate and in alignment with my personal style.

Folks interested in also discussing those here, or is there another federated community that fits better?


I finally received my copies of two Splotter Spellen titles that a friend of mine was holding onto. Beest and D’raf. The original seller wasn’t shipping them outside of the EU, so my friend in Spain received them and brought them back.

Also happy that the DIY box style matches my edition is of Bus.

Once I get my preordered rerelease of Ur: 1830 BC, I’ll have every title I’d been interested in, bringing the total to 15.

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