Not without consent (before your death obviously..). Last time I checked I found that donating your body to science is surprisingly difficult.
Unless you know those pigs personally, calling them friends is a bit much. The phrasing makes it seem as if somone entered your petting zoo and started slaughtering your animals.
I understand your message, but the hyperbole just damages it and makes other people think you're a bit off.
I think that bottom image is when you press the more information button (3 dots). It's the same with light dimmers and thermostats, you get more info and a different card.
I wish that style was also available just in the dashboard and not hidden behind buttons.
Renting exists.
But they offer a new API. Any disadvantages with the new one?
I'm daily driving Linux for years now and I don't really see what you can't do with linux unless you want some of the few Microsoft or Mac specific software that doesn't run in wine or so.
I didn't see anyone else say this, but 7200 rpm disks are way louder than 5400. Where my server is it would be annoying, but if it's in a closed room somewhere you'll be fine.
Also, these drives are probably not made to run 24/7/365. First 1 or 2 years or so it will probably be fine, but after you can expect some sudden dead drives.
It's a little worse than that. Microsoft copies your password, credentials and all your emails to their server. Future emails then also go through their servers.
If you have a business this probably constitutes a data leak.
No one could have seen that coming. /s
Cleanest energy generation around. It produces a handful of waste per year (the whole US generates around half a Olympic pool per year), which could be further reduced by using some of that waste too in newer generation plants, like in European countries.
The traditional nuclear plant has a design that (on purpose perhaps) produces plutonium, which the government like as they can build nukes with it.
And of course there have been accidents, but mostly due to incompetence or negligence. And don't forget coal plants produce a huge amount of nuclear radiation too and they just expel it from their chimneys.
The worst part of renewable energies now is the waste. Wind power blades are not recyclable and literally just get buried in big fields (a problem for the next generation I guess..) and solar panels are "not commerically interesting" to recycle, so around 90% of them too just get dumped.
Or that drive with their fucking full beam lights on. Or new SUVs with their headlights as bright as the sun lasering their way directly into your eyes.
Of course it is safe. It can contain dust and other particles (nowadays mainly some PFAS), but rainwater itself is quite safe.
Of course if you collect it from your gutters it's probably dirty from the crap on your roof.