
joined 2 years ago
[–] vapeloki 1 points 2 weeks ago
[–] vapeloki 6 points 3 weeks ago

Outch. Would have made the same call in this case

[–] vapeloki 4 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I obviously don't know you or your friend. As a neurodivergent cis man, amd part of the LGBTQ+ Community, I had a fair share of very awkward interactions. In many cases, people comming out / transitioning die not change my behavior around or with them, or made me ask those kind of questions. But sometimes, I really get confused. Ĺ

And ai asked the question "should I be worried we may hook up and loose our friendship". I asked it because it happened to me with someone. We hooked up, we broke up, and lost all.

I would ask him about this question, why he thinks it is a question worth asking.

Speculation is always the worst advisor

[–] vapeloki 4 points 1 month ago

Ich halte die Argumentation für schwierig. Wer ein Auto benötigt achtet extrem auf die Reichweite. Natürlich sind die Akkus größer, und damit dad Fahrzeug schwerer. Einem Anreiz würde ein Effizienz Label glaube ich nicht schaffen.

Ich fahre aktuell einen i5. 2.2 Tonnen, 87kwh Akku. Verbrauch knapp unter 20kw/100km in Sommer. Etwas mehr im Winter.

Für Größe und Gewicht gut aber auch nur möglich wegen den Motoren die verbaut sind.

Meine Frau fährt einen Cubra Born. Kleineres Auto und wesentlich leichter. Verbrauch aber der selbe.

Effizienz ist teuer bei diesem Fahrzeugen. Menschen kaufen nach Geldbeutel, nicht nach Effizienz.

[–] vapeloki 3 points 1 month ago

That is from Mysbuster! Or isn't it?

[–] vapeloki 3 points 1 month ago

Hatte neulich so Helden im Mannheim, die mit 3 sprintern auf dem bezahlparkplatz der Bahn 4 ladepunkte zugeparkt haben.

Ein Anruf bei der Bahn und ne halbe stunde später war wieder Platz. Und der Besitzer der sprintet hat Spaß

[–] vapeloki 95 points 2 months ago (22 children)

Greetings from Germany. Maybe you want to skip everything that happens from now on and end this before this lunatic takes office.

On a unrelated topic: aren't you the nation with the most guns?

[–] vapeloki 5 points 2 months ago

I am talking about the global phenomenon. Something like rox news does not exist here in Germany for example.

We always had right wing propaganda. But now we have social media too. And that produced a confirmation cycle. The propaganda channels spew lies, people spread does lies on social media, and the media cam say "look, there, normal people on X say the same thing, it must be true".

And of course, also the other way around

[–] vapeloki 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There are some studies. Mostly behind pay Walls. A good source I found a while back was this meta study.

[–] vapeloki 70 points 2 months ago (14 children)

Social media is to blame, at least in huge parts.

It offers a platform for unproven claims, and especially the short content formats are an issue:

You can not cover important topics fairly in those formats. Only populism can profit from it. And the far right does this.

We reached a point where people don't believe the published agendas of candidates and parties anymore. They only trust what the hear and see on social media.

Of course there are other factors, but this is an important one.

[–] vapeloki 10 points 2 months ago

Deine Mutter ist der Fußgänger

[–] vapeloki 0 points 3 months ago (3 children)

You can not fix the limitations of a growing brain. People are getting influenced in a young age, damage that is hard to undo. We can of course limit access (at least in theory) to such content. And then we regulate what? TikTok.

While am RCA goes hast to be done until we either can not further because of physical limitations for example, we must fix the thing closest to the root that can actually be fixed.

Young brains must be able to develop fast. Social media and specifically the short content format have a massive negative impact on this development.

We always had far right propaganda. Social media is what allows it the flourish in the minds of young people, future voters and politicians.

I don't said that social media is bad or that social media is responsible for far right mindests.

I said: social media is the root cause for the electoral success of the AfD and other far right parties in Europe.

The root cause for far right movements is "the human being". Of course we could go in depth here about the natural fear of the unknown, and the support dorbfar right parties is higher in places where voters are less like to see "aliens" in their neighborhood. But also, this is here much longer and European youth was left leaning for decades.

So let's focus on what changed that those parties get so much traction with young voters. Answer: social media

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by vapeloki to c/evs

Hi all,

two month ago, i received my company car. I chose an i5, as i wanted an EV, need some space, and hate SUVs. I could fit nearly everything optional in the car (besides the air suspension), keep that in mind. Also it is "only" the M40, the rear drive only variant).

As i am from Germany, so no freedom units. Sorry to you over there on the other side of the pond.

I am living in the countryside, and we (my gf also drives the car) have to drive daily, either shopping, she to work, or i travel long distances across Germany.

My first impression on takeover of the car: This is a monster. Not only looks it mean as hell, it is wide and long. Dude. I instantly was glad about parking and lane assistance. I knew the dimensions before hand, but 2m width and over 5 meter of length are much bigger than i had in my mind. This is my only big issue with the car btw. I have a growing blacklist of parking garages and underground parking lots i am not comfortable to drive in.

That out of the way, the car is great. Interior, quality of life features, all well designed. I will only get into a few here, as this will be (mainly) focused on the EV aspect of the car.


After using the car for a while, i was surprised by the efficiency of the car. Our regular trips into the neighboring towns, shopping, visting friends, are coming out with around 20KW/km. Autobahn tours with free flowing traffic and a target speed of 130km/h are between 17KW/km and 19KW/km.

With the 82KWh battery pack, ~330km distance in our mixed usage and 80%-10% SoC, are typical.


Charging was promoted with 205KW and that checks out. I even seen charging rates of 210KW, reported by the car. The maximum charge rate is reached usually between 15% and 55%. On most stations, i can forget to even reach 180KW, but that is more on the state of german charging infrastructure, then on the car.

Using the charge planning feature of the satnav is just a great experience. It keeps stops at a bearable amount of time and recommends target SoC with enough reserve to accounts for possible detours or other delays. Charging stations can be filtert by network, for all those network members. I didn't test this feature, as an all-network charging card is part of the car in my company.

If a charging stop takes longer, on board entertainment is great. Multiplayer games, TV streaming, or offline media, it does not get boring. I have the Bower&Wilkins system and ConnectedDrive. ConnectedDrive is required for the games and streaming features. The HiFi system just transforms your lokal slow charger to a mobile cinema.

Heated and vented seats

Vented and heated seats are great. For range! Instead of heating and cooling the space in the car, roughly equivalent to the space in a German student apartment, using those comfort features and lowering AC gives you a few hundreds Wh. I tested this on some very hot days. I was alone on the car, and set the temperatures to a comfortable value. Without seat venting, this was around 22°C, with seat vending, went up to 25°. This saved ~300Wh/km. I did multiple runs, and the that seemed pretty stable. I will report back after some real cold days, and lets see how the values look.

I have vented and heated seats in the front and heated seats in the back. Both features are optional.


This is the only non-electric feature i will talk about, but if you got this far, you are most likely interested in it.

And the space is amazing, on all levels.

Driver and passenger seat have leg room, you can fit 3 crates of german beer in the room on the passenger side.

The back seats also have enough space. A 2,03 meter friend sits comfortable there, with enough head and leg space.

And then for the trunk. I moved a single household of a friend in 3 tours. Bed, kitchen appliances and his office. The backrest has 3 parts. It took me a while to recognize this. You can lay it flat, and it looks like two pieces, but the center piece as a separate latch. So if you fit in something long (like some cable conduits), you are covered.


I like this car. While it does clearly have not the longest range or the fastes charge reads on the market, i don't find this limiting. Never was i annoyed by a charge break (only by broken chargers...), and on long distances, charging breaks are refreshing.

The 340PS are fun, and sometimes, just pedal to the metal, is just amazing.

And all the comfort features, from vented seats over the gesture media control to the onboard AI voice assistant, are well thought out and implemented.

Hands free driving on the Autobahn is a nice idea, for those who like it, i don't. I use the full steering assistant, but i am not comfortable taking my hands of that round thing in front of me.

Lane Change assist and parking features keep this monster manageable in rush hour traffic on the Autobahn and squeezing into tight parking spots.

But: There is a price. Literally. The car as it is standing in my driveway, comes in with 94k€. I am in the privileged position to get this car as part of my salary. If you can afford this amount of money, and are looking for an EV, give it a look. You get a solid BMW station wagon that drives like an BMW station wagon. It just is fun to drive it. And you get a lot of space. More then in most SUVs out there.

If you have questions, AMA


ich_iel (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by vapeloki to c/[email protected]

wenn ich "Söder" höre

Oh nein! (
submitted 10 months ago by vapeloki to c/[email protected]

Hey Leute,

nachdem wir nun endlich die Teil-Legalisierung durch ist und es sich langsam real anfühlt möchte ich ein riesiges DANKE sagen.

Danke, an alle die Jahrzente lang, und viel länger als ich, dafür gekämpft haben.

Danke, an unsere Ampel die das Thema tatsächlich ernst nimmt.

Danke, an die Landesregierungen die sich das noch mal überlegt haben.

2010 und 2014 war ich einer der Petenten für die Cannabis Legalisierung. 2015 habe ich zusammen mit anderen die Ablehnungsbegründung des Petitionssauschusses zu den vorherigen Cannabis Petitionen verwendet, und die Argumente auf Alkohol umgemünzt, um das Verbot von Alkohol zu fordern. Natürlich wurde diese Petition ebenfalls abgelehnt. Aber ich möchte euch ein Zitat aus dieser Ablehnung nicht vorenthalten:

Außerdem sieht sich der Gesetzgeber, auf Grund der kulturellen Verbreitung von Alkohol, nicht in der Lage den Konsum effektiv zu unterbinden.

In den letzten Jahren schwand die Hoffnung, das ich in einem Land leben werde, in dem ich Kiffen kann ohne strafrechtlich verfolgt zu werden.

Und doch, heute stehen wir an diesem Punkt.

Möglich wurde dies durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Die wichtigsten für mich sind:

  • die vielen jungen Menschen die sich politisch engagieren. Die Einflussnahme der Jugendorganisationen auf ihre Mutter Parteien hat sehr viel dazu beigetragen
  • Die vielen Aktivisten die Außerhalb der Politik für die Legalisierung gekämpft haben (Grüße gehen raus an Richter Müller)
  • Ein Gesundheitsminister der Fakten-Basiert handelt und nicht aus politischem Kalkül oder Populismus

Ich wünsche euch allen schon mal einen sehr fröhlichen 01.04.2024 und bitte, hört nicht auf zu kämpfen. Wir brauchen die zweiten Säule, und natürlich die komplette Freigabe sobald die Versuchsprojekte erfolgreich waren.

Dazu gehört natürlich auch das CDU, CSU und AfD nicht an die Macht kommen dürfen. Sonst wird daraus garantiert nichts.

Geht wählen! Wählt Parteien die uns unterstützen werden, und schaut euch genau an was da die angeblich Christlichen Parteien so abziehen.

So Long, Loki


Hey Leute,

nachdem wir nun endlich die Teil-Legalisierung durch ist und es sich langsam real anfühlt möchte ich ein riesiges DANKE sagen.

Danke, an alle die Jahrzente lang, und viel länger als ich, dafür gekämpft haben.

Danke, an unsere Ampel die das Thema tatsächlich ernst nimmt.

Danke, an die Landesregierungen die sich das noch mal überlegt haben.

2010 und 2014 war ich einer der Petenten für die Cannabis Legalisierung. 2015 habe ich zusammen mit anderen die Ablehnungsbegründung des Petitionssauschusses zu den vorherigen Cannabis Petitionen verwendet, und die Argumente auf Alkohol umgemünzt, um das Verbot von Alkohol zu fordern. Natürlich wurde diese Petition ebenfalls abgelehnt. Aber ich möchte euch ein Zitat aus dieser Ablehnung nicht vorenthalten:

Außerdem sieht sich der Gesetzgeber, auf Grund der kulturellen Verbreitung von Alkohol, nicht in der Lage den Konsum effektiv zu unterbinden.

In den letzten Jahren schwand die Hoffnung, das ich in einem Land leben werde, in dem ich Kiffen kann ohne strafrechtlich verfolgt zu werden.

Und doch, heute stehen wir an diesem Punkt.

Möglich wurde dies durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Die wichtigsten für mich sind:

  • die vielen jungen Menschen die sich politisch engagieren. Die Einflussnahme der Jugendorganisationen auf ihre Mutter Parteien hat sehr viel dazu beigetragen
  • Die vielen Aktivisten die Außerhalb der Politik für die Legalisierung gekämpft haben (Grüße gehen raus an Richter Müller)
  • Ein Gesundheitsminister der Fakten-Basiert handelt und nicht aus politischem Kalkül oder Populismus

Ich wünsche euch allen schon mal einen sehr fröhlichen 01.04.2024 und bitte, hört nicht auf zu kämpfen. Wir brauchen die zweiten Säule, und natürlich die komplette Freigabe sobald die Versuchsprojekte erfolgreich waren.

Dazu gehört natürlich auch das CDU, CSU und AfD nicht an die Macht kommen dürfen. Sonst wird daraus garantiert nichts.

Geht wählen! Wählt Parteien die uns unterstützen werden, und schaut euch genau an was da die angeblich Christlichen Parteien so abziehen.

So Long, Loki


Am i to late for the stock photo memes?

our 14 year old boy (
submitted 2 years ago by vapeloki to c/aww
Our new company mailbox (self.laserengraving)
submitted 2 years ago by vapeloki to c/laserengraving

We needed a new mailbox, so we engraved one.


cross-posted from:

Hey all,

i want to hack a portable AC. The devices communicates via UART between Mainboard and control unit (LCD and Buttons). As we still want to use the original controls, i had the idea to put an ESP32 in the middle of the communication (using UART2 for the mainboard and UART3 for the control board).

I don't want to reverse engineer the whole protocol, only the relevant parts. So, i need a way to forward all messages in both directions, to make this work as it should.

Has anybody done such a thing already? Or has any tips how to do it.

I'm fluent in C++, so there is not barrier here, but i am new to the codebase of ESPHome

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