
joined 2 years ago
[–] ultranaut 35 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I was in a tiny crowded restaurant with one bathroom and needed to wash my hands. Whoever was in there before me nuked the whole site from orbit and it smelled like death. I hold my breath and quickly exit right into a woman waiting who immediately gets a face full of it and looks at me in complete horror. I start explaining it wasn't me but she has no reason to believe me and obviously doesn't. We're both regulars there so I keep running into her afterwards until I eventually moved away.

[–] ultranaut 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Run the cable under your clothes and it will stop getting in the way. I regularly use IEMs with a Bluetooth adapter in my pocket and its fine this way.

[–] ultranaut 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

1 Pulp Fiction

2 Jackie Brown

3 Hateful 8

4 Reservoir Dogs

5 Inglorious Basterds

The rest I wouldn't rank, I think I've at least tried to watch them all but got bored and/or didn't really enjoy it and/or was too drunk or not drunk enough. Kill Bill and Once Upon... I've tried to get through multi times now before giving up. Death Proof I haven't seen in years but I remember it being boring after just watching Planet Terror.

[–] ultranaut 29 points 2 months ago (1 children)

From what I saw it wasn't actually a DMCA takedown request but an allegation of "fraud and phishing" that Funko sent to the itch.io domain registrar.

[–] ultranaut 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I've never been banned from Reddit but I was threatened with a ban by a Reddit admin when I reported a right wing troll group who was obviously using sockpuppets to harass people and spread racist bullshit in some local sub. The admin message said I was abusing the moderation system by reporting them and if I didn't stop I would be banned from Reddit. I was never banned but a few weeks later all of the sockpuppet accounts I reported were banned by the antievil operations team along with one of the mods in that sub.

[–] ultranaut 30 points 2 months ago

Web 3.0 was actually the Semantic Web originally, the cryptobros are bad at counting.

[–] ultranaut 18 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Modi has a troll army, you can find them all over the internet. They are a lot like the MAGA cultists.

[–] ultranaut 59 points 2 months ago (3 children)

American truck culture. It feels like parody or satire, except it's real.

[–] ultranaut 1 points 2 months ago

I think it can be possible even without eye surgery.

When I was poor I would only wear one contact at a time to make them last longer. I would alternative eyes, and would either take it out or switch to glasses when I was reading or looking at a screen for any extended amount of time. My eyesight improved after a few years, not to the point of being cured but my prescription got weaker. I don't know if there's actual causation, and the optometrist just said "hmm, interesting" when I brought it up, but it does seem like that is what improved my vision.

Also, I know someone with a rare vision issue who had to see a vision therapist to do eye exercises and whatever they did was helpful for them. That's a more specific situation though than your typical eyesight problems where corrective lenses can be used because I think it involved how their brain processes visual input.

[–] ultranaut 13 points 2 months ago

If he was taking responsibility he would resign from office and retire from politics.

[–] ultranaut 3 points 3 months ago

Most years its no decorations but occasionally my wife wants them so she puts up some lights and a plastic tree. Seems to happen every 3 to 5 years. This year she bought a more high end tree and a bunch of lights so I think the rate of decorative years might be about to increase.

[–] ultranaut 16 points 3 months ago (3 children)

If they are the same person they may have two jackets that are very similar but slightly different and two different backpacks. Someone on top of opsec or paranoid having lots of easily changeable looks would make sense. Although ideally you would want different colored jackets. It could also be that the camera quality isn't good enough for the details in the jacket to show up and they only have two backpacks. It does really look like the two pictures on the right could be someone different with a similar jacket to the two pictures on the left though.

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