Possibly a Sensorpush would work. They also have a WiFi gateway so it can send data even when a phone is out of BLE range.
Yes. I don't know who Bannon is referring to specifically but there's various billionaires behind him. He was living on a Chinese billionaires superyacht last year before his prison sentence.
Refried with Mexican rice
SkyrimVR is out there waiting for you right now.
Super rich guy tried to pick up my then girlfriend at an industry event after party kind of thing. She was not impressed by any of his shit. The look of disappointment on his face after showing off his $250k watch still makes me smile all these years later.
Yep. They aren't the worst people but they aren't great and I didn't want that BS in my life. I also wasn't much of a fan of the place I grew up so going somewhere far away and completely different wasn't a difficult decision.
I would recommend Chasm City by Reynolds if you liked the Revelation Space books. I don't think its considered part of the series but its set in the same universe.
I moved over a thousand miles away at 18 and haven't lived any closer than that in the decades since.
That sounds like a nightmare to manage and keep up to date. I would consider using VMs or some other method instead of trying to multiboot dozens of OSes across different physical drives and devices.
Waiting for the oven to heat up so I can bake a loaf of bread.
S&P is like 23% this year, chasing Pelosi has apparently underperformed.
In the before times I would bring or buy things to snack on but never really ate an actual meal for lunch. Now I work remotely and often have a real lunch but I still usually take as little time as possible and work while I eat. There's been a handful of times that I've brought my laptop to a restaurant and worked from there. I don't usually like having a real lunch break when I'm in work mode, I find it distracting and anxiety inducing.