
joined 1 year ago
[–] turddle 2 points 2 months ago

Historically, Phils were named as such for being the assigned ones who would “phil thine belly in times of darkness”. Emergency food basically; which is why he acts that way so as to cause as little guilt as possible.

It’s true. It’s on the internet.

[–] turddle 11 points 3 months ago

Gustave once saved my child from the maw of destruction.

I don’t actually have any children but Gustave managed to do it anyway.

Thanks Gustave.

[–] turddle 4 points 3 months ago

Would be a miracle if they even come close to that kind of success rate. While half those warhammer games do kinda suck. That other half, well, doesn’t haha.

20 good DnD games would be fantastic but I’m not even sure they know how to make one with the way they seem to be going at it (not counting BG3 as theirs, that was all Larian).

[–] turddle 7 points 3 months ago

Ah yep. Was looking for others who stopped at Negan.

Powered through after quitting on the farm during the original airing. Just to put my hands up once one too many obnoxious decisions led them to the even more obnoxious Negan.

Glenn died and so did my desire to watch.

[–] turddle 3 points 3 months ago

Hillenburg’s secret lab will never be found after his passing. The knowledge of creating new species (solely for animation reference) and great SpongeBob episodes were lost with him 😔

[–] turddle 1 points 3 months ago

90 Day Adventurer: Baldur’s Gate

6 couples have 90 days to make it back to Baldur’s Gate or be consumed by the parasites in their heads.

I’d watch.

[–] turddle 1 points 4 months ago

And to any other fellas with $5K in the 12cent account. Please take the time to move that to a HYSA. You can get like 5% a year these days.

Wish I knew that earlier 🫠

[–] turddle 1 points 5 months ago

Sorry I already brought it home. No take backs

[–] turddle 1 points 5 months ago

The curve is pretty fun at least. And the free version comes with a lot

[–] turddle 2 points 5 months ago

Hahaa yeah those effects were some crazy shit for a kid, especially back then. I think the dinosaur obsession kept me more in awe than in aaahhh there XD

But I was no match for Spielberg’s cinematography in that opener. “Shoot her…!!” got me more than any of the roars

[–] turddle 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Ahh man, lil me was a dinosaur kid and loved that movie. Had it on repeat

Buuut I definitely remember the first scene with the raptor in the cage being all glitched up from fast forwarding the VHS so much haha

[–] turddle 7 points 5 months ago

True. Unfortunately psychic damage legislation has fallen woefully behind 😔 hopefully the next archmage election changes all that

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