That fill button is THE WORST.
All this man needs to do is move a single Bitcoin out of the genesis wallet to prove he's Nakamoto and yet he refuses to do so hmmmm
Everything Worthikids has created is GOLD. He's a solo Blender animator AND does all the music by himself.
Watch Big Top Burger from start to finish. It is excellent beyond words.
Bluesky added almost 100k just in the past day. The content feeds are busy busy busy.
Thanks kind stranger! Just started the series and found onepace•me
Fun fact about Anthony: he took LSD over 200 times!
I met Cory at a book signing and told him how much I loved Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and he told me his wife works at Disney straight up.
He's an honest dude who has done more for how we think of the internet (and how it could be) than the majority of humans on this planet.
Yes - excellent show
Just use Brave browser and you will not see any ads, anywhere, on any website... for free.
I am literally reading this on my squatty potty (if you don't have one - BUY ONE)
Same energy