You lose that buff two weeks after acclimitizing to another country, and the perceived extra charisma is actually people nervously smiling around you to mask their limited english (half the language is just obscure idioms)
Heinz is bottom of the barrel in quality sauces, and Sriracha is just as artificial as Ketchup is. I'll give you a pass on dijon mustard
Y-yeah haha
Is that the Bacardi Bat hanging upside down off a pirate Fez?
Is that a baby rat with a bird tail, perched on a branch?
Oliver's army is here to stay
Oliver's army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today
Oh wow, I had no idea about the XY incident map. It certainly seems compelling on first glance.
I guess he got swept up in some shared hysteria at the time, went along with it, and then realised which group he was getting swepped up with, and backtracked, cutting ties.
I don't know why she's nervous, she clearly knew the spec well and didn't have to resort to modern abstraction frameworks to serve a simple static site.
Transubstantiation remains a reprehensible pseudophilosophical topic.
Is this true?
Musk bought twitter to attack progressives in general. He then used it to empower whoever he wanted, and he saw Trump as a means to an end.
I am a walnut tree in Gülhane park.
You are not aware of this, and neither are the police.