A valid question, but no... It might slightly depend on your definition of dead. And are we talking about standalone populations proving the "aliveness"? Or VR more generally?
VR sim racing alone is here to stay and proves PCVR. Its a better experience than flatscreen for some/many users. How can it die? It doesnt rely on VR population and wont collapse if VR use starts trending downwards.
VR chat is a culture that doesnt seem to be going away. Whether its healthy or not, escapism is a legitimate use case that cant be matched by flatscreen.
VR-only games on PC are in decline but even then you will find people that are very regular users that keep coming back for experiences you dont get with flatscreen. The tech is mature enough to deliver a compelling experience and thats all it really takes.
PCVR could largely be absorbed into the standalone populations if no support is there for them. But standlone and pcvr dying is not going to happen even as we wait tirelessly for mature hmd resolution, comfort, and accessibility of the experience.
Spoken like a Capricorn