
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The 2d one or 3D one?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I haven't played the board game but I have heard it is a brilliant complex multiplayer strategy game that really captures the shifting factional politics that the books and movies are so focused on.

I am super happy there is a digital version of Dune Imperium, really good digital versions of really good board games are super underrated. Especially when the core strategy of the board game is so good it makes super complex pc strategy empire games with terrible UIs, confusing resources and a million little fiddly useless decisions look pretty absurd in how much useless stuff they add just for stuffs sake.

I think the digital version will allow many more games of Dune Imperium to practically happen remote than otherwise would happen.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Gonna need to read this because damn this is scary new world with this utterly insane supreme court ruling.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I have nothing of substance to add but I love you and the people who make this website run.

Honestly, y’all make the world a better place by helping keep the future of social media alive and growing by providing a home for people that is astonishingly rare in its genuine and open nature.

There are many things we can do in this world to impact it, many things we believe that are required of us in order to make the world turn (we all must suffer at shitty workplaces for 40+ hours a week), but many of those things are small acts that change only the fabric and weave immediately around us in the tapestry of our lives.

Helping maintain and run is NOT one of those acts, it is a major strategic offensive against a shitty corporate social media hellscape that simultaneously is a friendly home for good people to chat, what you are doing by helping keep the servers running, making tough (or mindnumbingly mundane) moderation decisions or you know just keeping the lights on in general… is creating the most valuable thing in the world, early momentum for an extremely transformative and powerful force for good.

Please remind yourself of that every day, the work you are doing is beautiful and inspiring in the simplicity and openness of the gift you provide the world through your labor. The work you are doing is also not just making the world a better place, it is doing it efficiently as fuck too, you are getting a damn fucking good deal out of blood sweat and tears for your heartfelt effort as every ounce of energy you put into helping craft the future of the fediverse has an innumerable force multiplying effect on how quickly and feasibly that future fediverse comes into reality.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Damn alright good to know. I figured the reduction in price came from surveillance capitalism in some form or other but I have never had a payment or key issue with them. I just thought I was dumpsterdiving and might get kind of dirty, but thought fanatical was relatively legit... but yeah fuck fandom it is cancer for web browsers ughhhh.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

If you need more focus to the game play Sky Island, also / and ? are your best friends

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Lol, right off the bat, like the extreme left have any respect for the apparatus of federal government. 🙄🙄 (see blm riots, where protesters in Portland attacked and caused damage to The Courthouse, The Edith Green-Wendall Wyatt Federal Building, the Gus J. Solomon U.S Courthouse, The Pioneer Courthouse, and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement building.)

right like minor acts of property damage equate to literally attempting to overthrow the federal government?

You fool

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Windows Phone was never given a chance to pan out. There wasn’t space for Windows Phone to force its way on the scene when it finally began to fire on all cylinders as a smartphone OS but they were building a critical mass of loyal users that would have set up Microsoft longterm to successfully exploit the opportunity to when it came.

It is wild to me that upper management at Microsoft was too dumb to understand that and just killed their perfectly good apparatus for gaining a foothold on the mobile market. Simply put a tech company that large should always be thinking seriously about maintaining a practical entrance to an industry as important to their bottom line as this.

They are fools and they ultimately threw mud in the face of the small amount of windows phone fans (of which there definitely were loyal fans especially for the great Nokia cameras and extremely focused UI) who could have delivered that initial burst of energy and excitement/growth when the opportunity eventually did come. Thus they have actually sealed and barricaded the door to Microsoft ever EVER being in the mobile space since they betrayed ALL of the early adopter nerds who would have stuck around for the rough beginning.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Hell yeah, it is so much easier than it used to be right?

How was your experience?

Any tips for someone who might be about to do the same?

Did you create a ritual pyre of Microsoft jewel cases and old manuals and stuff and burn it while dancing around it chanting burnnn babyyy burnnn?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

Not knocking people with similar beliefs hanging out together, but it’s wild yousay that and don’t see that in lemmy.

Yawn here we go again with slippery slope echo chamber arguments.

Ok well I AM knocking conservatives when they hang out in groups, they become incredibly toxic and violent in their beliefs and they become dangerous even to the existence of a basic apparatus of federal government (see January 6th). Still, like putting all the rotting food in a trash can, while it doesn’t slow down the rot of the already rotting food, it does keep it contained and safe. Conservative hateful ideologies can only really thrive when centrists use force to open the door to larger communities and make them accept the presence of fascists. Then normalization can start that will indoctrinate people who never otherwise would have accepted the violence and unnecessary cruelty of conservatism simply because people begin to think “oh, well we wouldn’t have let an ACTUAL fascist through the door right!? We are civilized!”.

The difference between groups of leftists is while they all might have pink hair and punk looking clothes and rainbow colors or whatever, and they all might “look the same” to you…. but unlike your pathetic, lame conservative friends, your leftist friends will accept you for whoever you want to be whether we are talking about your gender, clothing tastes, desire to express feminine or masculine identities, off the wall careers you want to follow, new developments in your relationship to your spirituality or religion or really WHATEVER the fuck you want. Your leftist friends will give you direct aid no questions asked when you need it, they will be vulnerable and emotional with you when you need it and never shy away from a heartfelt conversation about love or caring for others just because it is awkward.

Your conservative friends will be too afraid to hug you when you reveal to them you are far out on an edge of depression and scared you are going to hurt yourself because that might look gay, they will literally leave you floundering at the edge of the void because they have been so fucked by their ideology that their first concern is to assure you they didn’t abruptly switch who they were attracted to and were now trying to make a move on you while you are emotionally devastated.

Conservatives are for the most part dangerous children who think they are adults, and they largely stand in the way of younger generations fighting for their survival. Go find your local radical leftist librarian at whatever protest all the kids are at on the other hand…

When leftists get mad it isn’t because they are drunk at their high school kids sports game and yelling at an innocent scared high school trans kid that he is gonna beat the queers up, they get mad because people don’t have healthcare or homes, or when genocide is happening or when we are destroying the earth in a way we can never fix. They chain themselves to a tree in the path of a dozer which is a universe away from being angry and mad at people because you don’t understand them and that scares you, the leftist understands exactly what functions the tree, the bulldozer and their body all play in that moment and they willing and full of righteous anger to do it.

The shrillness you place in leftism is we don’t make time for bigots, and if your social awareness is so muted that you can’t tell the difference between shouting down a bigot and bullying a truly innocent and well intentioned person, than don’t get upset at leftists for seeing a massive red flag flying over your head in terms of deducing your intentions.

[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Hopefully they will be so shortsighted and suffocate themselves with this Ai hype.

waves from over in the linux corner seize the day, and microsoft's throat :P


Any program can be added to steam by putting the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode (hold power button and select Desktop Mode), finding the app in the start menu Right clicking and selecting "add to steam" from the menu. Remember the "game" added to steam will have its own separate controller profile, choose keyboard and mouse template for desktop programs and adjust as needed.

Kdenlive is a video editor that can be downloaded by opening the Discover package manager in desktop mode and selecting to install the program.

Why do this? Well, with Decky Loader plugin Decky Recorder you can record clips of gameplay in Gaming Mode with the Steam Deck. The default file location is /home/deck/Videos/. There isn't necessarily an easy way to view videos in Gaming Mode on the Steam Deck however, which means the next step of reviewing the footage you took while playing the game requires you to exit into Desktop Mode and open a video player like VNC.

Fine, but.. I actually think I like this workflow better, add Kdenlive to steam so you can launch it in Gaming Mode and then create a layout inside Kdenlive (I called it "browse" in demo video) that just has the "media browser", "clip monitor" and "transport" selected. This is your video player to review the clips you record, now you can switch to the "editing" layout (layouts are in top right of screen in Kdenlive) and directly transition to video editing without ever leaving Gaming Mode.

This video is a (clumsy) demonstration of using Kdenlive in Gaming Mode to make a video.


This is some gameplay from Operation Harsh Doorstop which is a free multiplayer tactical shooter with large open maps and vehicles, and more importantly from the beginning integrating a modding SDK was central to the objectives of the devs which is a really REALLY nice breath of fresh air (looking at you battlefield series... and call of duty series).

Operation Harsh Doorstop was pretty barebones until fairly recently, but the game now has most of the elements it needs to provide a fun large scale multiplayer shooter game complete with vehicles and I think in it's current state it is quite fun to play! It didn't used to run well on the Steam Deck at all, but with recent updates performance has improved to the point that I can play multiplayer fine (I actually had the graphics set lower than I really needed to in the video). It bodes well for how well future multiplayer games based on the Unreal engine will run on the Steam Deck.

Since OHD is free, it is a no brainer to check out, just pick servers where you can get guns with scopes on them as iron sights are only fun when you have a huge monitor and a high resolution. Development is ongoing so keep your eye on it!


Something that might be fun to do on this sublemmy is do a collaborative Sky Islands run where a save file was shared and people took turns doing runs. I suppose it could all go on one post or posts could be made for each individual run or day. People could roleplay it in describing what happened on their run or just relay the details and facts like a matter of fact survivor.

Or another option, one person could mainly play but in big moments of a run like deciding which direction to take in order to reach the portal, post a poll with options for which direction to head in.

I think a shared Sky Islands playthrough might be more fun to play than a normal shared CDDA playthrough since one particular player goofing and dying doesn't end the experience for everybody and multiple players could discuss how best to manage the resources on the island and when next to begin a run vs stay on the island.

I don't know, I haven't thought through all the details yet but I think it might be a fun thing to do on this sublemmy that both encourages people to interact and share stories but also provides an approachable way for newer players to learn from other CDDA player's playstyles and experiences.


(no pay to win!)

Mine are:

  • Omega Strikers
  • Xonotic
  • Halo Infinite
  • Minion Masters
  • Splitgate
  • Super Animal Royale
  • Farlight 84 (love it on mobile haven’t gotten to it on steam deck yet)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit Sorry about the ugly word vomit from lemmy ripping out the video description on peertube, I didn't know it was going to do that

I decided to try Xonotic on my steam deck using joysticks + gyro to see if I could play somewhat competitively. Turns out, it is a blast!

Not claiming I am amazing at Xonotic (the bots are HARD btw) but wow there is a huge potential here for strafe jumping mechanics with games designed to be controlled by joysticks + gyro. It is a blast!

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