What is metapedia?
A wikipedia written by only verified trusted experts is called an encyclopedia, we have those online now. I think there was once a wikipedia-like online encyclopedia way back when in the late 90s or early 2000s that would only allow verified experts in whichever subject to participate to edit and create articles. I can't find what I'm talking about atm but it basically died from lack of participation and only had a hundred or so entries.
100% I would switch
The Blob (80s version), The Thing, and House. The first two still hold up really well but the third one I rewatched as an adult and it was so stupid I was embarrassed I had been so terrified of it as a little kid.
Suicide is contagious. It's the reason why schools are recommended against having memorial pages in yearbooks and stuff for students who killed themselves. It encourages more suicides.
How is it different? He profited from it, did he not? Shouldn't you feel bad or guilty for watching movies he got money from producing or having his name/company attached to, by your own logic?
Thank you for clarifying
Is it all attempted suicides or successful suicides only?
Thank you for explaining it.
A saltine
Sounds like with that one specific incident it was that chick being shitty at her job. I'm a female and have had female mental health providers treat me like garbage too. It's not a woman vs man thing. Some people are just shit humans regardless of their sex.
Canada is one of those "rest of the world places". Officially uses metric but the general population here (unless they are recent immigrants or work in the medical field) will tell you their height in feet and inches, their weight in lbs, they will tell you a recipe using Fahrenheit. Pizza is measured in inches. If you buy food, like deli meat, it is displayed in grams on the scale but a lot of people will ask for a half lb or whatever still. We use km for speed but we still use square footage if you are selling a house. Unless they are boomers or older, we will use Celsius for the weather though. I remember growing up learning metric and it was fine, everything made sense, then when I hit college was forced to learn American imperial for my job field cuz that's what the American standard was. I hate that I think in inches and feet for a lot of crap now. It's irritating switching back and forth depending on what you are doing.