[-] spongebue 3 points 18 hours ago

I mean, some of your complaints are actually pretty valid but you exaggerated so much on pretty much everything it's hard to take you seriously

[-] spongebue 5 points 1 day ago

Teeeechnically that could mean Russia is threatening them over it, in which case they are threatened by Russia. But that's just me being a pedantic pain in the ass before bed.

[-] spongebue 2 points 1 day ago

That very narrow window of time where Kmart and hashtags both existed

[-] spongebue 6 points 3 days ago
[-] spongebue 4 points 3 days ago

Sounds like a "spectacular" failure to me

[-] spongebue 2 points 4 days ago

Ironically, you could use the meme template to say that somehow

[-] spongebue 2 points 4 days ago

I think I heard somewhere that it loses your microphone on Bluetooth, but I could be wrong. Just FYI.

[-] spongebue 10 points 5 days ago

It's not, but it's a common phrase and brings up a fair point even if the wrong way.

[-] spongebue 4 points 5 days ago

If it was a local post, he was more likely to see it. Some marriages do work out nicely and people will speak highly of it. And when that perfect storm happens, it's far more likely to be noticed by others than every little relationship and graffiti that turns into nothing special (or nothing at all)

[-] spongebue 3 points 1 week ago

It just died because the battery manufacturer screwed it up

That's debatable. They are bringing it back, and it will have the newer Ultium battery, but whether the battery recall is what did it is hard to say. They did run another model year after that happened, though I would've expected a little more after the refresh from the 2022MY.

On the other hand, the Bolt platform was released in 2016. A lot has changed since then, particularly with charging. 55kW is laughable compared to pretty much everything else on the market these days, and they may need to go back to the drawing board to update it.

[-] spongebue 11 points 1 week ago

I'm fairly certain it has to be requested by one of the parties. I'm sure Jack Smith's team has been getting it ready for quite some time now, but you only want to fire when you're 103% certain it will work, otherwise you've just made things a lot harder for yourself.

[-] spongebue 2 points 1 week ago

I believe you typically get the money withheld, and if when you file are determined not to have any tax liability, you get a refund between what you paid and what you owe. That's just like anyone else, but that second number happens to be zero. I swear there's an option in a W4 that you had/expect to have your tax liability be zero as well, but of course if you turn out to be wrong you're in for a world of hurt

submitted 3 weeks ago by spongebue to c/dadjokes

My, how the tables have returned!

submitted 3 months ago by spongebue to c/parenting

Year and a half old. It may feel silly, but she's always been in the single-digit percentile, usually low-single-digits at that. She was born about 3 months premature, and after her weight gain stalling, they prescribed a medication with a side effect of increased appetite to give things a jump start. I think it's going to work 🙂

submitted 5 months ago by spongebue to c/[email protected]

So many instructions to cut an onion are essentially

  1. Cut off the top
  2. Peel
  3. Cut in half
  4. Cut horizontally (in parallel to the cut you just made)
  5. Cut vertically into strips from just shy of the bottom to top, with the bottom holding things together
  6. Cut vertically perpendicular to your last cuts to get little squares

On something like a potato, I'd understand it. You'll be cutting a 3-dimensional object along all 3 axes to get cubes. But as Shrek taught me, onions have layers. Why make that first set of horizontal cuts when the onion's natural layers do the same thing already, albeit a little bit curved?

submitted 8 months ago by spongebue to c/homeassistant

Running on a Raspberry Pi 400

Lately my home has been dumb and unassisted at random times, and the HA app can't connect to my HA rpi server. Ditto when I go to homeassistant:8123 in a browser. I'm trying to see what's causing this, but the logs in app only show since last restart. Tried plugging my Pi into a monitor and getting something from the command line but not sure how to do the equivalent of a Linux tail or whatever. Searching was surprisingly unhelpful. Any advice?

Thanks much!

submitted 9 months ago by spongebue to c/nostupidquestions

I get that some instances use the domain + TLD to make a word, like lemm.ee or to an extent, sh.itjust.works. But I've seen so many TLDs I had no idea existed, like .world, .zone, .social, and yes .works as well.

Is there any real reason for that? Trying to look cool or kinda underground-y? Cheaper and more varied domain options? Something actually kinda functional?

Interestingly, I started on vlemmy.net because I was a scared Reddit refugee and the .net TLD gave me comfort. Then it vanished a few days later without a trace. So here I am on lemmy.world

Check out [email protected] (self.antiqueradios)
submitted 9 months ago by spongebue to c/antiqueradios

I originally created this community to post a few of my own projects and get a few others, but found retrolemmy before I could post anything. I'll still keep my lemmy.world account and all, but in the interest of keeping themes within instances, I think retrolemmy is a better fit. Admin, feel free to nuke this community if you wish! I don't see a way to on my end.

[email protected]

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joined 11 months ago