I am wondering if I should play Tropical Freeze first or Country Returns HD, but before either of these, I should finish DK Country 2 and 3.
I have heard great things about Metaphor, though they will probably release a Metaphor: ReFantazio Royal with fixes and balances by the time I get around to it, so will just play that.
Good luck with Crimzon Clover! I haven't tried any of the games from shmup category, will probably try some after finishing Astral Chain.
Heh. Hope you can finally complete it this year! Good luck!
Nope, don't even know what it is. Will get back to it soon-ish!
I played it long time ago, but he has added so much after that. I should do it some day too!
Issue is not with Series S, issue is with insistence that all games should work on both, and have feature parity.
I understand the decision though, if I could only afford Series S, I would want to play all the games, even if they have lower graphics. But from what I can garner, the issue isn't always with graphics, sometimes it's the way the game is designed which uses more resources, and it can't be reduced easily. This limits the games if they are aiming for Xbox, they have to make sure they aren't doing anything that is using more than the minimal allowed resources.
BTW that is all from different articles and dev comments, I am not a game dev myself, so my interpretation could be wrong.
Interesting, never thought about it.
Those cats were creepy.
Oh, thanks for the info. I always add two lines when I want a line break, didn't know you can add two spaces at the end!
Just looked it up, it's also on sale currently. Out of budget for this month, but will try to get it soon.
That sounds really bad. Thanks for the detailed response. I was thinking about playing mage but will remember your point and do a bit of research before starting.
Wow, training for over 10 years, they must be real beast by now.
Yar Rising looked great, but got kinda middling reviews, still plan to play it some day.